Global Superstore Sales Dashboard

About this project

Key Features-

  1. Data Integration: Connected the dataset with Power BI Desktop, ensuring seamless integration for efficient analysis.
  2. Data Analysis: Analyzed tables and established meaningful relationships to uncover insights and correlations within the dataset.
  3. Data Cleaning: Conducted thorough data cleaning using Power Query Editor, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.
  4. Data Modeling: Utilized DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) to create calculated columns and measures for enhanced analysis.
  5. Interactive Visualizations: Developed an interactive BI dashboard/report that brings data to life, enabling users to explore and discover insights.
  6. Key Metrics: Created visualizations for key metrics such as sales, quantity, average delivery days, and top-profit and loss customers.
  7. Market and Segment Analysis: Visualized the sum of sales by market and segment to understand the performance across different market segments.
  8. Regional Analysis: Used map visualizations to analyze the sum of sales by region, allowing for geographic insights.
  9. Time Slicer: Incorporated a year slicer for dynamic analysis, enabling users to explore data trends over time.
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