Impact of 5G implementation

Impact of 5G implementation

About this project

Problem statement: One leading telecom provider in India has implemented 5G plan on May 22. However, management has noticed a decline in active users and revenue growth post implementation. The management of telecom provider has requested Surflex analytics team to analyze the KPIs pre and post implementation of 5G plans. The management is keen to compare the important KPIs and make informed decisions so that they can recover the active users and other parameters. They also want to optimize the offering so that they can get more active users.

Expected tasks:

a) Compare the major key parameters like total revenue, average revenue, active users, market shares etc.

b) The analysis of churned subscribers based on different demographics and other parameters

c) Detailed analysis of plans so that those can be optimized to stop the decline in revenues, active users etc.

Technology used: Microsoft power BI, excel.csv

Key Insights:

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