CMS Collaboration Publications Portfolio: Our Scientific Contributions

CMS Collaboration Publications Portfolio: Our Scientific Contributions

About this project

Welcome to my comprehensive portfolio showcasing a wealth of publications, a testament to the impactful collaboration within the CMS experiment. Our work spans diverse scientific domains, featuring groundbreaking research in prestigious journals and esteemed scientific platforms. You can explore our vast contributions, including cutting-edge discoveries, novel insights, and advancements in particle physics and related fields.

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Our collaborative spirit extends beyond scientific research, engaging with the broader community through impactful outreach initiatives. One such endeavor is "ParticlePhysics2021," a remarkable outreach effort to share the wonders of particle physics with the world.

🌐 Particle Physics 2021

Conference Proceedings: Dive into conference proceedings where we present precision luminosity measurements with proton-proton collisions at CMS, insights into ttH/tH production, and more.

Conference Talks: Witness captivating presentations delivered at international conferences, including ICHEP 2022 and LHCP2022, highlighting our research and advancements.

Selected CMS Internal Talks and Workshops: Delve into our internal discussions and workshops, featuring topics like "New MVA Approach" and "BDT Modelling of HH Topologies."

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