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Key Questions:

Do traffic accidents show any seasonal patterns?

During which time of day & day of the week do traffic accidents occur most frequently?

Are there any particular streets or intersections that carry a higher risk than others?

What are the most common contributing factors to traffic accidents? What about the most fatal?

Which Borough had the highest number of accidents? What about the accidents resulting in an injury or death?

Key Insights:

The majority of individuals involved in accidents were unable to identify the course. Hence about 25% of the data is either unspecified or missing in the contributing factor column.

30% of collisions resulted in injuries and fatalities

(Driver inattention/ distraction, following too closely, failure to Yield Right-Of-Way, Lane is improper, and backing unsafely have been determined as key factors that influence driving behavior, which contributed to road accidents. Unsafe speed contributes to most fatalities

The are many road accidents reported every day. From Jan'20-Aug'20 there were 74881 reported accidents, with a decrease of (5,18%) in August, 27440 persons were injured, with only 144 death. This resulted in an average of 200 injuries from road accidents every day and 45 death.

Belt Parkway Street had the highest number of road accidents compared to other streets with 1245 reported accidents, also had the highest rate of accidents resulting in injuries.

Fridays between 2-6 pm were when the highest number of collisions happened

Summer months (January - March) saw the most collisions, injuries and with June having High fatalities. There was a slight decrease in the number of accidents in April

Brooklyn saw the highest number of collisions as well as the highest number of fatalities and Injuries

Based on the analysis, the accidents involved cars (with sedans having most of the accidents), taxis, and trucks.

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