Business need:
To explore and become familiar with the 'Maven Fuzzy Factory' database and to suggest improvements, if any.
My goal:
To conduct exploratory data analysis of the 'Maven Fuzzy Factory' database, create an EER diagram of the existing database, then create an improved EER diagram and finally implement the improvements in the actual database.
SQL functions and commands used:
The Process:
Exploratory data analysis to answer the following questions:
► The orders and order_items tables
► The company has filled 32313 orders and sold 40025 items.
► The highest volume primary_product_id value is 1- The Original Mr. Fuzzy, with 24226 sold, followed by values 2- The Forever Love Bear with 5796 sold, 4- The Hudson River Mini bear with 5018 sold and 3- The Birthday Sugar Panda with 4985 sold.
► The earliest date in the table is 2012-03-19 and the latest is 2015-03-19. Thus, the difference between the two dates in years is 3.
► There are 4 unique products in the table.
► The prices and cost of goods are fixed and are as follows-
► The min price is 29.99 and max price is 59.99.
► The most popular utm_source is gsearch with 316035 sessions coming from it, followed by NULL (unpaid traffic or traffic that did not originate from a paid campaign) with 83328 sessions, bsearch with 62823 sessions and finally, socialbook with 10685 sessions.
► Desktop is the more popular device type with 327027 sessions coming from it, followed by mobile with 145844 sessions.
► The top 3 most popular pageview_url values are /products with 261231 pageviews, /the-original-mr-fuzzy with 162525 pageviews and /home with 137576 pageviews.
► The maximum number of pageviews for one session is 7.
Creating an EER diagram of the existing database:
I created the following EER diagram of the existing database using the MySQL Model Editor.
Changes required to improve the existing database:
Creating the new and improved EER diagram:
I created the following improved EER diagram using the MySQL Model Editor.
Implementing the diagrammed changes in the database:
I implemented the diagrammed changes by creating a new schema to store normalized tables, setting the new schema as the default schema, creating the structures of normalized tables in the new schema, and finally, by populating the normalized tables with values from the non- normalized tables of the old schema.
Next step:
The next step was to analyze sales and website traffic data from the new and improved 'Maven Fuzzy Factory' database using SQL and to present my insights and recommendations to the management in an Excel dashboard. Check out how I did that here.