Digital Media Store Analysis (SQL)

Tools used in this project
Digital Media Store Analysis (SQL)

About this project

Here, I downloaded data containing tables for albums, artists, customers, employees, genres, invoice items, invoices, media types, playlist track, playlists, and tracks.

I used the data to produce the desired data or answer the following questions. Queries can be found here SQL GitHub

--Show customers, including their customer id and country that do not live in the United States.

--Show only Customers from Canada.

--Find the invoices of customers from Canada and order by most recent order

--Which employees are Sales Agents?

--Find a distinct list of billing countries from invoices table.

--Show invoices associated with each sales agent, including sales agent's full name.

--Show the Invoice Total, Customer name, Country, and Sales Agent name for all invoices and customers.

--How many Invoices were there in 2009?

--What are the total sales for 2009?

--Write a query that includes the purchased track name with each invoice line ID.

--Write a query that includes the purchased track name AND artist name with each invoice line ID.

--Provide a query that shows all the Tracks, and include the Album name, Media type, and Genre.

--Show the total sales made by each sales agent.

--Which sales agent made the most dollars in sales in 2009?

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