HR Analysis Part One: Culture and Diversity

Tools used in this project
HR Analysis Part One: Culture and Diversity

About this project

Stakeholders: The HR Head and the Recruitment Team

Analyzing Process:

A) Questions need to be answered:

  • How big is the difference in pay between men and women?
  • How can the company ensure that it promotes diversity and inclusivity in its workplace?
  • How much does the HR team rely on various sources for hiring new employees?

B) Preparing the Data:

Tool: Excel

Origrinal Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/rhuebner/human-resources-data-set

Original Data format: CSV


1-Copied the data to a new Excel file to prepare it for analysis.

2-Modified the name column to be formatted as: “first name last name”, instead of “last name, first name”.

3-Deleted the following columns as they were not needed for the analysis process:

MarriedID, maritalStatusID, GenderID, EmpStatusID, DeptID.

4-Calculated the age for each employee using their date of birth.

5-Divided the data into 3 sheets:

  • Employees Data Sheet: Contains the employee's data related to his/her work such as position, salary, Performance, hire date etc.
  • Personal Data Sheet: Has The employee’s personal data; for instance, name, age, marital status, etc.
  • Recruitment Data Sheet: Shows which requirement channel was used to hire the employee.

6- Turned the three sheets into tables and created relations between them using the employee ID.

7- Saved the transformed data to be ready for analysis.


C) Analyzing Process:

Tool: Power BI

1- Loaded the tables into Power BI

2- Searched for trends to find key characteristics for the employees that represent the current culture of the company and indicate its level of diversity.


D) Sharing Insights:

  • Based on the information displayed on the dashboard above, it is evident that the company provides equitable opportunities for females, as they constitute more than half of the workforce and receive comparable compensation to males across various departments.

  • The average age of the employees is 44. Which is relatively high as the company did not hire anyone below 31, while 5% of the employees are 60 years old or above.

  • The recruitment team relies heavily on the popular recruiting websites like Indeed and LinkedIn as they have hired nearly half of their candidates from these platforms

  • The company's ethnic diversity is relatively limited, with white people representing nearly 60% of the workforce, which is 20% higher than the combined representation of all other races

  • In terms of location distribution, approximately 90% of the employees are based in Massachusetts, while the remaining 10% are spread across various states in the USA.

E) Recommendations:

-If the company aims to create a more diverse environment, it should prioritize hiring individuals from various racial backgrounds. One way to achieve this goal is by actively recruiting individuals from diversity job fairs.

-Hiring young talent will add a great value to the company, as they are often motivated to prove themselves and make a significant impact.