Power BI Dashboard

About this project

  1. The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the content available on Netflix, allowing users to explore and discover information about TV shows and movies in different genres. Users can filter the data based on specific genres of interest to focus their analysis.
  2. The ratings of the TV shows and movies indicate the audience's reception and provide insights into their popularity. The IMDb scores offer a measure of the overall quality and critical reception of the content. Users can explore the distribution of ratings and IMDb scores within each genre to identify trends or exceptional productions.
  3. Furthermore, the dashboard showcases the awards received by movies and shows, providing recognition for outstanding performances and production quality. Users can discover which movies and shows within a particular genre have received notable awards.
  4. In summary, the Netflix dashboard allows users to delve into TV show and movie details, including ratings, IMDb scores, and awards, specifically categorized by genre. It offers a comprehensive analysis of Netflix content, enabling users to explore and make informed decisions based on their preferences and interests.
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