Tata's Virtual Internship on Enhancing Business With Effective Insights

Tata's Virtual Internship on Enhancing Business With Effective Insights

About this project

Created a dashboard using Microsoft Power BI to help client compare the business between different branches and regions. Transformed and processed client’s data by using SQL, DAX and Excel to ensure data completeness and validity. Provided technical insights on how the client can fully utilize their data by introducing various strategies. Consulted with the client to determine the best metrics to be displayed on the final decision.

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Business Insights for the Online Retail Store

  1. First, starting off with analyzing the revenue data in 2011; from the line chart, the trend line for revenue over the months of the year shows that from January to March, there were slight ups and downs. From March, the consistency over the trend line shows that there was a gradual growth in revenue, which reached its maximum of 1.51 million in November from 1.15 million in October. And the business experienced a sudden downfall in December to 0.64 million. So, strategizing on the expansion of the business in November with products, which contributed more for revenue growth and analyzing if there is a seasonality in that particular month will help us provide the supply and demand of the products in the same month for next year. And furthermore, keenly focusing on the reason why there was a decline in December and fixing the problems will help grow the business a lot in the forthcoming years.

  2. Moving onto the next visualization, bar chart, which helps visualize the Top 10 revenue-generating countries, which was analyzed across various countries, where the customers contributed and helped growing the business. With Netherlands being the topmost country, which has made around 285,000 of revenue with the quantity of products sold around 200,000 units, applying expansion strategies in the sales of the country effectively will help our business grow more in the near future. And focusing on recognizing and offering the customers, who contributed more for the business will help grow the business in a lot more dimensions. Here, I would like to mention that I have filtered out United Kingdom as required.

  3. Turning now to the next visualization, an interactive column chart, indicates the Top 10 revenue-generating customers across the countries. A customer with customer_id of 14646 helped contributing for the highest revenue of around 280,000 and the next highest revenue of around 260,000 was made by the customer with customer_id of 18102 and the next by customer_id of 17450 with revenue of around 195,000. Making sure the topmost contributing customers are satisfied with their products and providing our valuable services to them will help our business grow a lot. in addition, retaining the customers like giving more offers and gifts will help us bring more new customers from their satisfied feedbacks, which has a possibility of getting leads indirectly.

  4. Finally, moving onto the next visualization, a map chart that shows the total number of units sold across the countries using bubbles. With Netherlands being the topmost country, where more products sold of around 200,000 units and so that the region has more demand for the products. In addition EIRE, Germany, France and Australia are the regions that are holding next four positions at the top five. So, these are the top five regions to be strategized with more focus. the business and product supplies in those regions can be expanded to grow the business in the forthcoming years. Here, I would like to mention that I have filtered out United Kingdom as required.

Having said that, these are my data-driven business insights. I would suggest you to examine my process. and I would be happy to hear your thoughts and feedbacks on my work. and I am looking forward to contribute more for the growth of the business. That’s it from me. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

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