Northwind Performance Dashboard

Tools used in this project
Northwind Performance Dashboard

About this project

In this project, I try to provide the business stakeholders of Northwind traders a bird's eye view of the business performance. The dashboard enables user to slice and dice through multiple attributes and view KPIs in more detail.

The report is divided into 4 sections where I talk about different KPIs and their insights:

  1. Sales Performance

Gives an overview about KPIs such as Gross Sales, Net Sales , Number of orders and Avg Order value.

Country Sales (by month) enables the user to identify which countries have made significant sales over the months

Over the Years USA ($245.6K) and Germany($230.3K) have contributed to significant sales and the highest sales has been in Apr 2015 ($123.7K)

  1. Product Performance

Gives an overview about KPIs such as Products sold, Quantity sold, Products per order and Average product price.

Category Trend shows the trend of each category over the months. The Top 3 categories in 2015 are Beverages , confections and Dairy products with sales of $116K, $78K and $55K respectively

The Top N products visuals allows the user to dynamically select top products within each category

  1. Top Customers

Gives an overview about KPIs such as Active Customers, Orders per customer and Average customer order value

The Top customers throughout the 3 years are Quick-Stop ($110K), Ernst handel($105K) and Save-a-lot Markets($104K).

  1. Shipping Cost

Gives an overview about KPIs such as Total Shipping Cost, Avg. Days to Ship, Shipping Cost per Order and Shipping cost per customer

92.6% orders have been shipped on time with only 4.4% orders delayed.

Federal Shipping has the least Order to Shipped Days (7.3 Days) and United Package the Highest (8.9 Days)

Shipping cost per order is least for Speedy Express ($65)

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