Google Merchandise Shop dataset - BigQuery

Tools used in this project
Google Merchandise Shop dataset - BigQuery

About this project

Let's check three business questions using the dataset from GA4 in BigQuery and provide the corresponding SQL queries to answer those questions.

Question 1: What are the top 5 event names by count for the given two-day period? Answer: The query retrieves the top 5 event names by their count from the given two-day period. It calculates the count of each event name, groups the results by event_name, and then orders them in descending order. Finally, it limits the result to the top 5 event names.

Question 2: What are the most popular mobile brands among users for the given two-day period? Answer: The query determines the most popular mobile brands among users during the given two-day period. It counts the distinct occurrences of each mobile brand name and sorts the results in descending order based on the count.

Question 3: What are the top 3 countries with the highest number of events for the given two-day period? Answer: The query identifies the top 3 countries with the highest number of events during the given two-day period. It counts the occurrences of each country and orders the results in descending order based on the count, then limits the output to the top 3 countries.


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