Tools used in this project
Plato-Pizza Analysis

Plato Pizza Analysis

About this project

Key questions or metrics which need to be answered are: • Sales and Orders with respect to pizza types • Customer Traffic and Peak Time

Steps of analyzing data using MYSQL using SQL queries: • Loading the given csv files/tables in MYSQL. • Finding sum of pizza types with their name using "group by" commands • Using "joins" commands in SQL to create a relevant file for analysis. • Now, after making these tables we download the files from MYSQL. • After loading the relevant tables in Power BI, we will apply the following operations:

Application of DAX measures:

During the process of making dashboard, I applied several DAX measures like COUNTROWS, SUM to come up with numerical insights which are insightful to the end user.

Theme and color palette:

• I went with the light theme for the dashboard as it is regarding business niche and visualization is static. • Colors chosen: Red, white and black shades.


Here, I used Figma to create layout for the static visualization page and finally used Power BI for creating report.

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