Northwind Traders KPI

Power BI Report

About this project

The aim of this project is to provide the executive team with a comprehensive understanding of the company's performance in key areas, such as sales trends, product performance, key customers, and shipping costs. By gaining meaningful insights, the team can make well-informed decisions efficiently.

Sales Trends: In April, the company achieved the highest revenue, accounting for 9.7% of the net revenue. The executive team should analyze the factors that contributed to this success and develop effective sales and marketing strategies. Implementing targeted monthly campaigns can help replicate this achievement in other months.

Product Performance: The top-performing product, Côte de Blaye, contributed 11.1% of the net revenue. To meet the demand, the executive team should ensure an adequate supply of this product. Additionally, considering expanding the product line can capitalize on its popularity and further drive revenue growth.

Key Customers: Our key customers, namely QUICK-stop, Ernst Handel, and Save-a-lot Markets, significantly contribute to the net revenue, accounting for 8.68%, 8.26%, and 8.21%, respectively. To ensure continued loyalty, the executive team should prioritize understanding their needs and preferences. Providing personalized services and implementing strategies to strengthen the relationships with these key customers will result in overall business growth through customer retention.

Shipping Costs: The company currently incurs high shipping costs using United Packages. It is crucial to negotiate better rates with the carrier or explore alternative shipping options. This proactive approach will optimize shipping costs and reduce overall expenses, leading to improved profitability.

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