Maven Northwind Challenge

Tools used in this project
Maven Northwind Challenge

Power BI

About this project

Here, I was asked to build an Executive KPI Dashboard for the Company as a purpose to allow the Executive Team to quickly understand the company's performance in key areas, including:

  • Sales trends
  • Product performance
  • Key customers
  • Shipping costs

The Dashboard was built to accommodate new data. Some Insight given based on the Dashboard :

Sales Performance :

  • Based on the revenue generated, our top employee that generate the most sales was Margaret Peacock. Followed by Janet Leverling and Nancy Davolio.
  • Based on Monthly Branch Sales Performance, the New York Branch gives higher revenue from the starting date until the end date of the data given.
  • Our monthly cumulative Revenue and Order Count indicates that the most revenue and orders are being generated on April, while the lowest was generated on June.

Product Performance :

  • The top 5 products revenue was Cote de Blaye, Thunringer Rostbratwurst, Raciette Courdavault, Camembert Pierrot, and Tarte au sucre. But if we check all discontinued Products, Thunringer already been discontinued. It will impact our future revenue, because if we check each product revenue trend line, Thunringer has the highest increase overtime.
  • For product category, if we check the pareto graphic, 53% Revenue were being generated by Beverages, Dairy Product and Meat & Poultry. Considering Thunringer was categorized as Meat & Poultry, it will impact revenue from Meat & Poultry Category in the future.

Customer Performance :

  • Looking at the Customer, the top 5 Customer that generate revenue was QUICK-Stop, Save-a-lot Markets, Ernst Handel, Hungry Owl All-Night Grocers and Rattlesnake Canyon Groceries. But it is concerning as one of the Product being bought by Hungry Owl was Thunringer. So we need to give the Company and alternative replacement for that product.
  • Country Pareto graph shows that 56% of sales are being generated over 4 countries, which is USA, Germany, Austria and Brazil. USA and Germany already cover 36% of the total revenue. But one of the top product which is Thunringer being discontinued will impact the sales on USA. Although not by a large margin, as the sales on USA only cover 1.5%

Shipping Cost :

  • Generally, the average shipping cost were spread out almost evenly on all shipper company. But looking at the Monthly Shipping Cost overtime, there is a spike increase from January 2015 to April 2015 from United Package, indicating that over the span of 3 months, there is a spike increase of shipment that being handled by United Package.
  • For shipping status. From a total of 830 orders, there is only 40 orders that is considered late and 21 orders that still doesn't have shipment schedule. I separate that one as it might be delivered on time, or might be late later.

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Discussion and feedback(1 comment)
Mainak Ghosh
Mainak Ghosh
6 months ago
good visuals & good report there, Aditya
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