Call Center Trend Analysis.

Tools used in this project
Call Center Trend Analysis.

Power BI Interactive Dashboard.

About this project

A Call Center Trend Analysis project is here with the below objectives to improve the business of Call center.

  • Overall customer satisfaction.
  • Overall calls answered/abandoned.
  • Calls by time.
  • Average speed of answer.
  • Agent’s performance quadrant found with average handle time (talk duration) and calls answered.

With the above findings and why customers have terminated their contract but they might consider coming back as one of the key performance indicator is one of primary agenda of this particular project.

Discussion and feedback(4 comments)
Praveen Peddabudi
Praveen Peddabudi
about 1 year ago
Well Presented Keerthana!! Nice Use of KPI's

manish singh
manish singh
about 1 year ago
I just finished this task in Pwc, and I definitely taking some inspiration from your dashboard. This is good keep it up
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