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Worldwide  Covid Spread

Worldwide COVID spread

About this project

This project analyzes the global effect of COVID in different countries and it's spread since it's appearance until from 2020-2022. It contains the data on number of deaths due to covid and the effect of covid vaccinations from around the world. Here's the link to the global open source COVID data available to public.

Covid Data

After downloading the data, I used Excel & Microsoft SQL Server to Clean, process and analyze the data.

Key Findings

  • Total number of Covid cases were 98,503,462 as of 11/23/2022. The current US death percentage is about 1.095%, which is about a 1.1% chance of dying if you contract COVID-19.
  • Although total number of cases had increased overtime, the death percentage had declined. One year ago, there was a ~1.6% chance of dying upon contraction in the US whereas two years ago, there was ~2% chance of dying upon contraction.
  • European countries have the highest infection rate. Cyprus has the highest infection rate but it is relative to their population.
  • The US has an infection rate of ~29%. In 2020, the US infection rate was ~3.7%. In 2021 it was ~14.2%. The infection rate now it almost 8 times as much as it was in 2020 and twice as much as it was in 2021.
  • Currently, there are 637,876,021 cases and 6,588,157 deaths worldwide due to COVID-19. The current global death percentage is 1.03282719260582%.
  • As of right now, North America has the highest death count due to COVID-19.
  • 10,703,463,448 people worldwide have been vaccinated with at least one vaccine, i.e. 0.13% of the global population.

--Calculate Total cases vs Total Deaths --shows the likelihood of dying from covid in United States

Location, date, total_cases, total_deaths, (total_deaths/total_cases)*100 AS DeathPercentage

FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$

WHERE location like '%states%'
order by 1,2

--Calculate Total cases vs Population

--shows the percentage of COVID infected people in USA

Location, date, total_cases, population, (total_cases/population)*100 as InfectedPercentage 

FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$

WHERE location like '%states%'
order by 1,2

--Countries with highest infected percentage of population

Location, population, MAX(total_cases) as HighestInfectionCount, Max((total_cases/population))*100 as InfectedPercentage
FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$
GROUP by Location, population
ORDER BY InfectedPercentage desc

--Continents with highest Death count

continent, MAX(cast(total_deaths as int)) as TotalDeathCount
FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$
WHERE continent is NOT NULL
GROUP BY continent
ORDER BY TotalDeathCount DESC

--Global Numbers

SELECT date, SUM(new_cases) as global_cases, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as global_deaths, 
(SUM(cast(new_deaths as int))/SUM(new_cases))*100 as globalDeathPercentage
FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$
WHERE continent is NOT NULL


--Calculate rolling count of people getting vaccinated each day. Use CTE to calculate vaccinated population

WITH PopVsVacPop (continent, location, date, population, new_vaccinations, TotalPeopleVaccinated)
SELECT dea.continent, dea.location, dea.date, dea.population, vac.new_vaccinations,
SUM(CAST(vac.new_vaccinations as bigint)) OVER (Partition by dea.location ORDER BY dea.location, 
dea.date) AS TotalPeopleVaccinated
FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$ dea
JOIN PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidVaccinations$ vac
    ON dea.location = vac.location
    AND dea.date = vac.date
WHERE dea.continent IS NOT NULL
SELECT *, (TotalPeopleVaccinated/population)*100
FROM PopVsVacPop

--Create TEMPORARY Table

CREATE TABLE #PercentPopulationVaccinated
Continent nvarchar(255),
Location nvarchar(255),
Date datetime, 
Population numeric, 
New_vaccinations numeric,
TotalPeopleVaccinated numeric
INSERT INTO #PercentPopulationVaccinated
SELECT dea.continent, dea.location, dea.date, dea.population, vac.new_vaccinations,
SUM(CAST(vac.new_vaccinations as bigint)) OVER (Partition by dea.location order by dea.location, 
dea.date) as TotalPeopleVaccinated
FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$ dea
PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidVaccinations$ vac
    ON dea.location = vac.location
    AND dea.date = vac.date
WHERE dea.continent IS NOT NULL
SELECT *, (TotalPeopleVaccinated/population)*100
FROM #PercentPopulationVaccinated

--Create Views to store data for data visualizations

VaccinatedPopulation AS
SELECT dea.continent, dea.location, dea.date, dea.population, vac.new_vaccinations,
SUM(CAST(vac.new_vaccinations as bigint)) OVER (Partition by dea.location order by dea.location, 
dea.date) AS TotalPeopleVaccinated
FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$ dea
JOIN PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidVaccinations$ vac
    ON dea.location = vac.location
    AND dea.date = vac.date
WHERE dea.continent IS NOT NULL
FROM VaccinatedPopulation
DeathsvsCases AS
SELECT date, SUM(new_cases) as global_cases, SUM(cast(new_deaths as int)) as global_deaths, 
(SUM(CAST(new_deaths as int))/SUM(new_cases))*100 as globalDeathPercentage
FROM PortfolioProject.dbo.CovidDeaths$
FROM DeathsvsCases

Sources: Alex The Analyst

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