How is your business doing across Geographies?

Tools used in this project
How is your business doing across Geographies?

Performance Analysis Dashboard

About this project

This project was part of the hands on project section of the Power BI desktop on Maven Analytics learning platform. However, I decided to give it my own touch by creating a dashboard with a regional sales manager or director in mind. Something that can provide a vivid summary of the business as well as the end user being able to dig deep and find their own insights

The objective is to help track performance across all the store types and in different regions by comparing the current year to the previous year as well as some sales target.

The Dataset

The dataset comprised of csv files for 2 years of sales, customer information, store information, product details and returns. The dataset was relative clean and hence required little transformations.

Given the data was for 1997 and 1998, i felt it needed to reflect a more recent time frame so i changed all 1997 dates to 2021 and 1998 to 2022. I also filter out 3 months of data from 2022 so as to enable me create a forecast for the end of year.

Report Sections

I decided to split the report into 4 sections with an overview page for a high level summary of the key metrics, a product performance section, store performance section and Sales forecast based on average daily sales. Each section is meant to focus on the particular segment.

Sales Forecast

The sales forecast was included to kind of simulate what actually happens in a company stetting. Most often actual values are either measured against a budget/target or previous year or sometimes all of the above. This helps to keep the team motivated to attain their goals, I decided to add some interactivity to it using WHAT IF parameters. This enable the end user to set targets and see were they will end with the current average daily sales or better still see what average daily sales target is required to reach their desired target.

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