Telecom Customer Churn with Tableau

Tools used in this project
Telecom Customer Churn with Tableau

Telecom Customer Churn

About this project

Identifying a companies Key Performance Indicators can help a company make data-informed decisions and manage their growth. With this dataset, I identified factors that may be benefitting or impairing company growth.

Here are some of the questions I wanted to answer:

  1. What internet types are more popular with our customer base? ✅
  2. How much revenue does each internet type bring in? ✅
  3. What age range brings in the most/least revenue? ✅
  4. What are the top reasons customers leave? ✅
  5. What is causing customers to leave our company? ✅

By drilling down to the specific reasons why customers cancel their services, we can see how these factors drastically impact our revenue. With the added measure of avg. age, and avg. tenure in months, we can also see what kind of customers we're losing and retaining.

Data source: Maven Analytics Data Playground

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