Parental Leave across the world

Tools used in this project
Parental Leave across the world

About this project

Challenge Goals: Act as an online business journal. My primary goal was to create a nice looking infographic that provided all the data for anyone looking up this Data. They may just be curious, or they may be looking to move companies or countries to look for better benefits.

Cleaning Data:

I used Excel to organize and clean the data set, and decide what story I would tell with said Data.


This is my first Challenge here on Maven and I really wanted to make a splash. So I decided to take the Data to the next level using Python.

Using python and the Google Maps API I added the Location of every company in the list. There were about 4 that could not be located, but enough of them had locations that I could be confident in using the location Data to further develop my Graphics.

Data Work: I took my New data with Locations into Excel for some basic calculations before I took all the Data into Tableau. I wanted to make sure I knew what I was looking at, and look for any obvious Outliers.

Why Did I use MEDIAN??:

Almost every single Location, and Industry had a limited sample set present with one or two outliers that were altering the data.

Lets take the 'Conglomerate' industry for instance. Out of 10 companies. 2 of them offer exactly 12 weeks. and 2 offer OVER 12 weeks. the rest all offer under 10 weeks leave. Because ONE Company offers 52 weeks it completely skews the results. The 'Average' for the 'Conglomerate' industry is 16 weeks. The Median is 10.5 which much closer represents the actual data since so many offered under 10 weeks.

I ran these calculations across every location and Industry and decided the numbers were getting too skewed by only a small fraction of companies offering either 0 or 52 weeks.

Sample Size:

While we are on the topic of sample size. I used the entire table for calculations, but when it came to industry specific data I excluded the data if it had under 10 companies.

WHY? Well if an industry shows 4 companies and 4 of them offer 12 weeks paid leave it leads you to believe that industry as a whole has 100% offering 12+ weeks. The sample size is too small and several industries were skewed to show 100% Paid leave when we know that could not possibly be the case.


If I did my job well you should be able to quickly gather these insights from the graphic.

  1. Canada offeres the best Median leave for both Maternity and Paternity. With Germany and America offering the least amount.

  2. The Finance industry has the highest percentage offering 12+ weeks in Both Paid Maternity and Paid Paternity Leave.

  3. Retail is by far the worst Industry when it comes to paid leave.

4.. Law firms have the highest percentage of over 20 weeks paid Maternity leave.

  1. Paid Paternity leave is only offered about 20% of the time, whereas Paid Maternity leave is offered more than 90% of the time.

Thanks for givng me your time!

I have provided both the Infographic in long form, and each Section as a separate Slide.

I will also have it available on my portfolio and on my LinkedIn page.

*People illustrations provided by Storyset

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