What percentage of companies provide paid paternity leave? What percentage of companies provide paid maternity leave?
What are the average duration of paid and unpaid leave for maternity and paternity?
Which five companies provide the highest combined duration of paid and unpaid leave for maternity and paternity?
Which 10 industries offer the highest combined amount of leave for maternity and paternity purposes?
Ninety-seven percent of companies provide paid maternity leave, which typically lasts for an average of 10.9 weeks, while unpaid maternity leave lasts an average of 6.2 weeks.
On the other hand, only 16% of companies offer paid paternity leave, which typically lasts an average of 1.3 weeks, while unpaid paternity leave lasts an average of 0.3 weeks.
Both Bitdefender and Dynatrace offer the highest amount of maternity leave, while Grant Thornton provides the most paternity leave.
The technology industry provides the highest combined amount of leave for both maternity and paternity purposes.