Tools used in this project
Hospitality Industry

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

About the Project:

AtliQ Grands owns multiple five-star hotels across India. They have been in the hospitality industry for the past 20 years. Due to strategic moves from other competitors and ineffective decision-making in management, AtliQ Grands are losing its market share and revenue in the luxury/business hotels category. As a strategic move, the managing director of AtliQ Grands wanted to incorporate “Business and Data Intelligence” to regain their market share and revenue. However, they do not have an in-house data analytics team to provide them with these insights.


You are a data analyst who has been provided with sample data and a mock-up dashboard to work on the following task. You can download all relevant documents from the download section.

Create the metrics according to the metric list.

Create a dashboard according to the mock-up provided by stakeholders.

Create relevant insights that are not provided in the metric list/mock-up dashboard

As the part of this project, I learned a few new business jargons related to the hotel industry and how those terms are used to define the business:

  • RevPar(Revenue per available room): Revenue generated per available room, whether or not they are occupied. It helps the hotel to measure its revenue-generating performance to accurately price the rooms.
  • DSRN(Daily Sellable Room Night): Metrics to tell the average how many rooms are available to sell for a day.
  • ADR (Average Daily Rate): It is the Ratio of the revenue to the total rooms booked.
  • DBRN(Daily Booked Room Night): Metrics to tell on average how many rooms are booked for a given period of time.
  • DURN(Daily Utilized Room Night): Metrics to tell on average how many rooms are successfully utilized by the customers for a day.

Insight from the analysis:

  • Flat Pricing: The hotel was not using any variable pricing for weekends and weekdays as their ADR and Occupancy% was constant for the given time period.
  • Differentiate pricing on the channel: Their pricing was constant for all the channels. This means there were no promotions going on for any of the channel/booking platforms.
  • Average Rating : The hotels which are not performing well have low ratings as compared to the hotel with a high ratings. That clearly states hotels are not working or taking there reviews/ rating seriously.

Disclaimer: This was a guided project from Code basics.

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