This data was provided by Maven Analytics with around 1600 rows of data sets. The details in the data are as follows:
- Company Name
- Industry Name
- Paid Maternity Leave
- Unpaid Maternity Leave
- Paid Paternity Leave
- Unpaid Paternity Leave
- Before executing the dashboard. I have cleaned the data by removing unwanted fields/cell.
- After cleaning, I tried to understand the data and analyze with the CSV file
- After analyzing, data was loaded into the Power BI and started working on the project.
Different types of chart/visualization used in my project are as follows:
** 1. 100% stacked bar chart:**
- Used to represent the top 10 industry wise average paid and unpaid maternity & paternity leave.
- This chart used to top 20 companies based on paid maternity leave which list the names of the respective companies in the tile view.
***3. Donut Chart:***
- Donut chart used to classify top 5 industry in terms of paid maternity and paternity with % contribution to the total.
*** 4. Card:***
- Card used to display the numbers of companies, industries, average paid maternity & paternity leave in total.
Finally completed this wonderful data visualization project mentioned below: