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Maven Family Leave  Challenge

About this project


As part of Women's History Month in the United States, your company is writing a piece on parental leave policies across the business world.


To create an impactful one page visual having visuals, infographic, charts regarding parental leave policies using the data as supporting content to the article.


  1. Understand the provided datasets: Take a closer look at the dataset that contains columns such as Industry, Company, Paternity paid leave, Paternity unpaid leave, Maternity paid leave, and Maternity unpaid leave. Familiarize yourself with the data to gain insights and understand the trends.

  2. Process the data in Tableau: Import the dataset into Tableau and perform necessary data transformations and calculations. For example, calculate the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) using calculated fields in Tableau:

    • Paid maternity leave %: Divide the number of maternity paid week-offs by the total number of maternity week-offs.
    • Unpaid maternity leave %: Divide the number of maternity unpaid week-offs by the total number of maternity week-offs.
    • Paid paternity leave %: Divide the number of paternity paid week-offs by the total number of paternity week-offs.
    • Unpaid paternity leave %: Divide the number of paternity unpaid week-offs by the total number of paternity week-offs.
  3. Design the visual template: Use Figma to create a visually appealing and impactful template for one-page visual. Consider incorporating relevant visuals, infographics, and charts to convey the information effectively. Use colors, fonts, and layouts that align with the purpose and tone of the visual.

  4. Populate the visual template: Utilize the processed data from Tableau to populate the visual template. Create charts, graphs, and infographics that present the KPIs and other relevant information clearly and concisely. Use visual elements such as icons, illustrations, and annotations to enhance the understanding of the data.


The process of selecting the appropriate infographic and creating an effective template posed challenges.


Research and gather information on infographic visuals and took inspiration to create my visual


  1. Mothers have total 9904 maternity off weak while fathers have 2614 paternity off weak.
  2. 25 companies have no paid off weak policies for mothers, while 6 companies have no paid off weak policies for fathers.
  3. 63.81 % of maternity leave are paid while 81.06% of paternity leave are paid.
  4. Top 5 companies by leave are shown in the last chart


The data provided highlights the varying parental leave policies across industries and companies, underscoring the need for standardized and inclusive practices.

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