Tools used in this project
Atliq Telecom Domain Analysis

Tableau Dashboard

About this project

As part of codebasics resume project challenge I have created a tableau dashboard with the data they have provided dataset. Details of the project :


AtliQo is one of the leading telecom providers in India and launched it’s 5G plans in May 2022 along with other telecom providers.

However, the management noticed a decline in their active users and revenue growth post 5G launch in May 2022. Atliqo’s business director requested their analytics team to provide a comparison report of KPIs between pre and post-periods of the 5G launch. The management is keen to compare the performance between these periods and get insights which would enable them to make informed decisions to recover their active user rate and other key metrics. They also wonder if they can optimize their internet plans to get more active users. Peter Pandey, a junior data analyst is assigned to this task.


Imagine yourself as Peter Pandey, a data analyst specializing in the telecom industry. Your objective is to create multi-page interactive dashboard which will provide valuable insights to the industry stakeholders by conducting a comparative analysis of various parameters before and after the implementation of the 5G network


Data Understanding: Thoroughly review the dataset to understand its structure, variables, and relationships. Identify the relevant columns that contain information related to cities, plans, performance metrics, users, market and revenue.

Data Modeling: Established relationships between multiple datasets and linked them using shared fields after importing data in tableau.

Calculated Key Performance Indicator to be used with the help of calculation field in Tableau

Key Performance Indicator used :

1 Total Revenue = Sum of Atliqo Revenue

2 Avg Revenue = Average revenue of Atliqo

3 ARPU = Average Revenue Per User

4 Total Active Users = Sum of active users of Atliqo

5 Total Unsubscribed Users = Sum of unsubscribed users of Atliqo

6 Market Share % = Average of Market share %

7 Monthly active users = Average of active users per month

8 Monthly Unsubscribed Users = Average of Unsubscribed users per month

8 Change in no. of Active users = Difference between active users compare to previous month

9 Change in no. of Unsubscribed users = Difference between Unsubscribed users compare to previous month


I have created three dashboards with the following visualizations:

1st Dashboard - Revenue Analysis:

  • Top Cities by Performance

  • Top Cities by Revenue

  • Plans by Revenue

  • KPI Difference by Cities

  • KPI Trends over Period

2nd Dashboard - Market Analysis:

  • Market Share % by Companies

  • Market Share % Trends by Companies

  • Total Market Value of Cities

3rd Dashboard - User Analysis:

  • Number of Active and Unsubscribed Users by Months

  • Change in the Number of Active and Unsubscribed Users compared to the Previous Month


Insights Obtained from Dashboard:

  1. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Generates Maximum revenue.

  2. Top 5 plans by revenue are p1,p2,p3,p4,p11

3)Difference between overall revenue generated before and after 5G implementation is found to be ..8.04Cr

4)ARPU Increases after 5G due to decrease in Active users

  1. After 5G revenue was generated in the month of august and then gradually decreases in September

6)Plan P1 generated more revenue After 5G compared to before 5G

7)Introduction of plan P11,P12, was successful

  1. Atliq ranked 3rd in market ,only PIO and Britel ahead of Atliq


The project involved analyzing the telecom industry data before and after the implementation of 5G network. Through data visualization and analysis, several valuable insights were obtained Overall, the project demonstrates the impact of 5G implementation on various parameters and provides a foundation for further analysis and strategic planning

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