Tools used in this project
Maven Churn Challenge

Tableau Dashboard

About this project

Getting Started


In this project, I acted as a Business Intelligence Consultant for Maven Communications, a California-based Telecommunications company.

Business Goal

My primary goal was to help the company improve retention by identifying high value customers and churn risks.

Recommendations based on analysis

  1. Look into why customers from San Diego are leaving at a higher rate. Internet type may play a role as most of the customers leaving utilized fiber optics.

  2. Assess the competition; most churned customers stated that they were leaving due to better devices or better offers from competitors.

    1. Reassess your offers. Most customers had not accepted an offer over the given time period. The churned customers who did accept an offer recently mostly fell into Offer E but soon left with the most cited reason as being a competitor.
  3. Consider trialing special offers for customers who choose a one- or two-year contract. Of churned customers, 1655 of them (89%) were on month-to-month contracts.

    1. Look at customer service within the first months, as almost 23% of customers who churned within the first year actually churned within the first month.
  4. Consider incentivizing referrals. The majority of customers (54%) have not given any referrals. Within churned customers, 507 had done one referral, while 579 of current customers had also done one referral. Were churned customers expecting something that they didn’t get and then choose to not refer more?


The Data

This dataset contains 2 tables, in CSV format:

  • The Customer Churn table contains information on all 7,043 customers from a Telecommunications company in California in Q2 2022
    • Each record represents one customer, and contains details about their demographics, location, tenure, subscription services, status for the quarter (joined, stayed, or churned), and more!
  • The Zip Code Population table contains complimentary information on the estimated populations for the California zip codes in the Customer Churn table

source: Maven Churn Challenge

The Plan

Thinking like the business owner

What are the goals and objectives?

  1. improve retention
  2. identify high value customers
  3. identify churn risks

Who are the key stakeholders and how will this help them?

  1. CMO, managers
  2. help them retain high-value customers and make changes to decrease churn risks

How does my work fit into the overall business strategy?

  1. may impact scheduling for customer service
    • consider an incentivizing strategy for customer service agents
  2. increase retention rate —> overall revenue increase

Thinking about the stakeholders:

What is the primary stakeholder most interested in?

  1. customer retention, customer satisfaction, churn rate

What information can I provide?

  1. percentage of churn rate, percentage of churn categories
  2. trends about high value customers

Defining the KPIs:

  1. number/percentage of customers retained
  2. customer lifetime value
  3. total revenue
    • revenue by product/service
    • average revenue per account (ARPA)
  4. churn rate


Cleaning the data:

  1. I downloaded the CSV files and opened in Excel to get familiar with the structure of the data. Along with the two datasets, a “data dictionary” was also provided to give insight into what you could expect to find in each field.
    1. After becoming familiar with the data, I decided to edit the column names to adhere to SQL column naming conventions. For example, I changed ‘Phone Service’ to ‘phone_service.’
    2. I ensured that there were no blank cells within the table that would change or skew the data.
      1. I left blanks that related to a different column (i.e. if customer did not have internet service, other services related to internet may be blank.)
    3. I ensured that there were no duplicate entries using Count Distinct in Excel.
  2. I imported the datasets into MySQL to begin some exploratory analysis.

Getting to know the data:

1. How many customers are in the database?

Total count of customers


Count of current customers


Percentage of current customers


Count and percentage of churned customers with example query:

SET @totalqty := (
FROM telecom_customer_churn 
WHERE customer_status IN ('joined', 'stayed', 'churned'));

     , COUNT(customer_status) AS churn_counted
     , ROUND((COUNT(customer_status))/@totalqty * 100, 2) AS percent
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE customer_status = 'churned'
GROUP BY customer_status;

2. What are the age and gender breakdowns of the customers?

Total gender breakdown

  • Female: 3488
  • Male: 3555

Current gender count

  • Female: 2549
  • Male: 2625

Current vs. total customer age breakdown with example query:

     'Current_Cust' AS Type
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 19 AND 24 THEN 1 END) AS early20s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 25 AND 29 THEN 1 END) AS late20s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 30 AND 34 THEN 1 END) AS early30s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 35 AND 39 THEN 1 END) AS late30s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 40 AND 44 THEN 1 END) AS early40s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 45 AND 49 THEN 1 END) AS late40s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 50 AND 54 THEN 1 END) AS early50s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 55 AND 59 THEN 1 END) AS late50s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 60 AND 64 THEN 1 END) AS early60s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 65 AND 69 THEN 1 END) AS late60s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 70 AND 74 THEN 1 END) AS early70s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age > 74 THEN 1 END) AS late70s
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE customer_status IN ('stayed', 'joined')


     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 19 AND 24 THEN 1 END) AS early20s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 25 AND 29 THEN 1 END) AS late20s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 30 AND 34 THEN 1 END) AS early30s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 35 AND 39 THEN 1 END) AS late30s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 40 AND 44 THEN 1 END) AS early40s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 45 AND 49 THEN 1 END) AS late40s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 50 AND 54 THEN 1 END) AS early50s
      , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 55 AND 59 THEN 1 END) AS late50s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 60 AND 64 THEN 1 END) AS early60s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 65 AND 69 THEN 1 END) AS late60s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 70 AND 74 THEN 1 END) AS early70s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age > 74 THEN 1 END) AS late70s
FROM telecom_customer_churn;
TypeEarly 20sLate 20sEarly 30sLate 30sEarly 40sLate 40sEarly 50sLate 50sEarly 60sLate 60sEarly 70sLate 70s
Current Customers621476470487511513461484485212211243
Total Customers779622626640677665621631640364358420

3. What is the minimum, maximum, and average monthly charge? Total revenue?

Monthly minimum, maximum, and average charges

  • Minimum: -$10
  • Maximum: $118.75
  • Average: $63.60

Quarterly minimum, maximum, and average charges

  • Minimum: $18.8
  • Maximum: $8684.8
  • Average: $2280.38

Total minimum, maximum, and average charges

  • Minimum: $21.36
  • Maximum: $ 11979.34
  • Average: $3034.38

4. How many customers use the phone service? Internet service? Additional services?

Current customer services

  • Phone: 4664
  • Internet: 3761
  • Online security: 1724
  • Online backup: 1906
  • Protection plan: 1877
  • Premium tech support: 1734

5. What is the breakdown of churn categories (i.e. how many customers fall under each category of reason for leaving)?

Number of churn categories and percentage with example query:

SET @totalqty := (
     FROM telecom_customer_churn
     WHERE churn_cat IN ('attitude', 'price', 'dissatisfaction', 'competitor', 'other'));
     , COUNT(churn_cat) AS number_per_category
     , ROUND((COUNT(churn_cat))/@totalqty * 100, 2) AS percent
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE churn_cat IN ('attitude', 'price', 'dissatisfaction', 'competitor', 'other')
GROUP BY churn_cat;
Churn CategoryNumber/CategoryPercent

6. What is the breakdown of tenure at the company for current and past customers?

Tenure of churned customers

  • First year: 1037
  • Second year: 294
  • Third year: 180
  • Fourth year: 145
  • Fifth year: 120
  • More than 5 years: 93
Interpretation: an overwhelming number of churned customers were with Maven Communications for less than 1 year

Tenure of current customers with example query:

          WHEN tenure_months <= 12 THEN 'first year'
          WHEN tenure_months BETWEEN 13 AND 24 THEN 'second year'
          WHEN tenure_months BETWEEN 25 AND 36 THEN 'third year'
          WHEN tenure_months BETWEEN 37 AND 48 THEN 'fourth year'
          WHEN tenure_months BETWEEN 49 AND 60 THEN 'fifth year'
          ELSE 'more than 5 years'
     END AS monthly_tenure,
     COUNT(*) AS number_of_customers
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE customer_status IN ('stayed', 'joined')
GROUP BY monthly_tenure
ORDER BY number_of_customers DESC;
  • First year: 1149
  • Second year: 730
  • Third year: 652
  • Fourth year: 617
  • Fifth year: 712
  • More than 5 years: 1314
Interpretation: Contrasting churned customers, the majority of current customers have been with Maven Communications for more than 5 years.

7. How many customers use streaming services?

Count of current customers with streaming services

  • TV: 1893
  • Movies: 1914
  • Music 1760

Count of churned customers with streaming services

  • TV: 814
  • Movies: 818
  • Music 728

8. Where are customers located?

Total customer locations (top 5 cities)

  • Los Angeles: 293
  • San Diego: 285
  • San Jose: 112
  • Sacramento: 108
  • San Francisco: 104

Current customer locations (top 5 cities)

  • Los Angeles: 215
  • San Diego: 100
  • San Jose: 83
  • Sacramento: 82
  • San Francisco: 73
Interpretation: San Diego's customer-base has decreased significantly.

Churned Customer Locations (top 5 cities)

  • San Diego: 185
  • Los Angeles: 78
  • San Francisco: 31
  • San Jose: 29
  • Fallbrook: 26
Interpretation: As expected, almost 2/3 of San Diego's customers have churned.

9. What type of contract is used most frequently?

  • Month-to-month: 1955
  • One-year: 1384
  • Two-year: 1835

Diving into the business problem:

As noted in the exploratory analysis, 26.54% of customers in the database have churned. The majority of customers were in the San Diego area, as over half of the San Diego customer base churned (185 out of 285). The most frequent reason customers gave for churning was “competitor” at 45% with “dissatisfaction” (17.17%) and “attitude” (16.8%) coming in 2nd and 3rd, respectively. To determine in more detail why customers might churn, I analyzed the following:

1. What are the demographics of customers who have churned?

Average age and gender breakdown

  • Average age: 49.74
  • Female count: 939
  • Male count: 930

Analysis of churned customer age with example query:

     'Past_Cust' AS Type
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 19 AND 24 THEN 1 END) AS early20s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 25 AND 29 THEN 1 END) AS late20s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 30 AND 34 THEN 1 END) AS early30s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 35 AND 39 THEN 1 END) AS late30s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 40 AND 44 THEN 1 END) AS early40s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 45 AND 49 THEN 1 END) AS late40s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 50 AND 54 THEN 1 END) AS early50s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 55 AND 59 THEN 1 END) AS late50s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 60 AND 64 THEN 1 END) AS early60s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 65 AND 69 THEN 1 END) AS late60s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 70 AND 74 THEN 1 END) AS early70s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age > 74 THEN 1 END) AS late70s
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE customer_status IN ('churned')


     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 19 AND 24 THEN 1 END) AS early20s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 25 AND 29 THEN 1 END) AS late20s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 30 AND 34 THEN 1 END) AS early30s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 35 AND 39 THEN 1 END) AS late30s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 40 AND 44 THEN 1 END) AS early40s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 45 AND 49 THEN 1 END) AS late40s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 50 AND 54 THEN 1 END) AS early50s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 55 AND 59 THEN 1 END) AS late50s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 60 AND 64 THEN 1 END) AS early60s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 65 AND 69 THEN 1 END) AS late60s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 70 AND 74 THEN 1 END) AS early70s
     , COUNT(CASE WHEN age > 74 THEN 1 END) AS late70s
FROM telecom_customer_churn;
TypeEarly 20sLate 20sEarly 30sLate 30sEarly 40sLate 40sEarly 50sLate 50sEarly 60sLate 60sEarly 70sLate 70s
Interpretation: Churned customers who are in their late 60s and above took out 40% of that age's customer base.

Percentage of married churned customers

  • Married: 35.79%

Churned customers with dependents

Number of dependentsNumber of churned customers
Interpretation: The vast majority of churned customers reported no dependents. This could be a potential reason for churning.

2. How many customers who have churned recently accepted offers from Maven Communications?

Customer offer acceptance

Customer StatusOffer AOffer BOffer COffer DOffer ENone
Interpretation: There is a discrepancy between churned customers vs. stayed customers and offer acceptance. Churned customers most often utilized Offer E.

Looking into offer E and example query:

     COUNT(*) AS number_customers
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE offer = 'offer E'
GROUP BY churn_cat
ORDER BY churn_cat DESC;
     COUNT(churn_reason) AS reason
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE customer_status = 'churned' and offer = 'offer e'
GROUP BY churn_reason
Interpretation: The majority of customers who accepted Offer E later left Maven for a competitor (201 customers) with leading reasons being "competitor made better offer" (78 customers) and "competitor had better devices" (77 customers).

3. What services were people utilizing prior to churning?

Phone services

  • Had phone services: 1699
  • Did not have phone services: 170

Internet services:

  • Had internet services: 1756
  • Did not have internet services: 113

Type of internet services

  • Fiber optics: 1236
  • DSL: 307
  • Cable: 213
Interpretation: The majority of churned customers utilized fiber optics.

Unlimited data

  • Yes: 1502
  • No: 254

Streaming services

  • Movies: 808
  • TV: 814
  • Music: 728
  • ALL: 450

4. What was the average monthly, quarterly, and total revenue charge of churned customers?

WITH churned_customers AS (SELECT * FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE customer_status = 'churned')

     'minimum' AS Type,
     MIN(total_revenue) AS total_revenue,
     MIN(total_charges) AS quarterly,
     MIN(monthly_charge) AS monthly
FROM churned_customers


     MAX(total_revenue) AS total_revenue,
     MAX(total_charges) AS quarterly,
     MAX(monthly_charge) AS monthly
FROM churned_customers


     ROUND(AVG(total_revenue),2) AS total_revenue,
     ROUND(AVG(total_charges),2) AS quarterly,
     ROUND(AVG(monthly_charge),2) AS monthly
FROM churned_customers;
TypeTotal RevenueQuarterlyMonthly

5. What type of contract was most frequent for churned customers and how quickly did they churn?

Contract type for churned customers

  • Month-to-month: 1655
  • One-year: 166
  • Two-year: 48
Interpretation: A large majority of churned customers were under month-to-month contracts. A secondary query revealed that 22.96% of churned customers left within the first month of their contract.

Reasons for leaving within 1st month

  • Competitor: 163 customers
  • Attitude: 72 customers
  • Price: 47 customers
  • Other: 33 customers
  • Dissatisfaction: 65 customers

6. What percent of total revenue do churned customers make?

Percent of total revenue from churned customers

  • $3.68M
  • 17.24% of total revenue

7. What are the top reasons why customers churned?

Top 10 churn reasons with example query:

SET @totalchurned := (SELECT COUNT(churn_reason) FROM telecom_customer_churn WHERE customer_status = 'churned');
     COUNT(churn_reason) AS num_per_reason,
     ROUND(COUNT(churn_reason) * 100 / @totalchurned,2) AS percent_per_reason
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE customer_status = 'churned'
GROUP BY churn_reason
ORDER BY num_per_reason DESC
Churn reasonNumber/reasonPercent/reason
Competitor: better devices31316.75%
Competitor: better offer31116.64%
Attitude: support person22011.77%
Don't know1306.96%
Competitor: more data1176.26%

Revenue from top 3 churned reason

  • $2.17M
  • 10.17% of total revenue

High value customer data:

Before beginning my analysis, I qualified metrics on what qualities we would measure “high value” by. A high value customer is one whose business will significantly impact the bottom line. Total revenue, usage of multiple services, average revenue per account (APRA), tenure, and number of referrals are all ways we could gain insight into high level customers.

1. How many customers utilize multiple services (phone, internet, streaming, unlimited data) and what percentage of those have churned?

Number of churned customers with multiple services

  • 463 customers
  • Makes up 30.56% of all customers who had multiple services

2. Who are the customers who generate the top third of total revenue? How many of those customers have churned?

Percent of churned top revenue generators with example query:

`WITH cte AS (
     , total_revenue
     , customer_status
FROM    (
          , @counter := @counter +1 AS counter
     FROM (select @counter:=0) AS initvar, 
     ORDER BY total_revenue DESC
) AS X
WHERE counter <= (33/100 * @counter)
ORDER BY total_revenue DESC)`

     COUNT(customerID) AS num_churned
     , ROUND(COUNT(customerID) * 100 / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cte),2) AS percent_churned
     , ROUND(SUM(total_revenue)) AS revenue_lost
FROM cte
WHERE customer_status = 'churned';
  • 365 of the top revenue generators were churned customers
  • 15.71% of top generators
  • $2.29M revenue lost due to churn of top customers

3. What is the average revenue per account (APRA)?


  • $3034.38 overall

Churned customers above ARPA with example query:

SET @arpa := (
          ROUND(SUM(total_revenue) / COUNT(customerID),2) AS ARPA
     FROM telecom_customer_churn);

     COUNT(customerID) AS num_cust
     , ROUND(AVG(total_revenue),2) AS avg_total_rev
     , ROUND(AVG(total_revenue) * 100 / @arpa) AS percent_of_arpa
FROM telecom_customer_churn
WHERE total_revenue > @arpa AND customer_status ='churned';
Interpretation: 446 churned customers with total revenue above ARPA, with an average revenue $5749.21, making it 189% of the ARPA.

Key Takeaways

  1. Look into why customers from San Diego are leaving at a higher rate. Internet type may play a role as most of the customers leaving utilized fiber optics.
  2. Assess the competition; most churned customers stated that they were leaving due to better devices or better offers from competitors.
    1. Reassess your offers. Most customers had not accepted an offer over the given time period. The churned customers who did accept an offer recently mostly fell into Offer E but soon left with the most cited reason as being a competitor.
  3. Consider trialing special offers for customers who choose a one- or two-year contract. Of churned customers, 1655 of them (89%) were on month-to-month contracts.
    1. Look at customer service within the first months, as almost 23% of customers who churned within the first year actually churned within the first month.
  4. Consider incentivizing referrals. The majority of customers (54%) have not given any referrals. Within churned customers, 507 had done one referral, while 579 of current customers had also done one referral. Were churned customers expecting something that they didn’t get and then choose to not refer more?

Additional project images

The tenure of customers. The majority of churned customers leave within the first year.
The type of contract of churned customers. Month-to-month contracts indicate high churn risk.
The churn category and top reasons. Competitor devices and offers are the top 2 churn reasons.
Churned Customer Charges
Churn Customer Reasons
Lost Revenue Due to Churn
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