Tools used in this project
Maven Analytics  Slopes challenge

Tableau Interactive Dashboard

About this project


Creating an interactive one-page dashboard aimed at assisting skiers in finding the ideal skiing resorts based on their preferences.


An user friendly dashboard which can help to select different field and to find the best resort.


Data Cleaning:

  • The given data was imported into Power Query for initial processing and cleaning.
  • Null values in the data were identified and replaced with zeros to ensure data consistency.
  • Duplicate entries were detected and removed to avoid redundancy in the dataset.

Data Processing:

  • The cleaned data was then processed and prepared for visualization in Tableau.
  • Relevant columns and attributes required for analysis and visualization were selected.
  • Calculations or transformations, if necessary, were applied to derive additional insights from the data.


  • The processed data was imported into Tableau for visualization purposes.
  • Multiple charts and visual representations were created to present the insights effectively.
  • The first chart focused on countries with skiing resorts, allowing users to select a specific country.
  • Upon selecting a country, the chart displayed detailed information about the resorts and available facilities, such as the longest run, active season duration, child-friendliness, total flights, slopes, lifts, and snow cannons.
  • Another chart was created to show the snow amount by month and different types of slopes available.
  • Parameter controls were implemented to enable users to select specific slope types for analysis and exploration.


Difficulty in adjusting all the sheets in the dashboard due to the vast amount of data and insights.


To address the challenge, the following steps were implemented:

  1. Filtering: I filtered out the important sheets based on the key insights and information that needed to be highlighted in the dashboard.
  2. Prioritization: I carefully selected the most relevant and valuable visualizations to include in the dashboard, considering the target audience and their needs.
  3. Ordering: I organized the selected sheets in a logical and user-friendly manner, ensuring a smooth flow of information and insights.


  1. Austria has the maximum no. of resorts

2)Only 4 resorts are not child friendly

3)January to April is the best season for skiing

  1. 75.75% of resorts have snow parks available


The dashboard was designed to effectively showcase insights from a vast amount of data related to skiing resorts. By filtering and prioritizing the most important sheets, organizing them in a user-friendly manner, and employing an appropriate layout, the dashboard successfully presented key information and allowed for easy navigation. Through careful design and consideration, the dashboard provided a concise and impactful overview of the data, enabling users to gain valuable insights into countries with skiing resorts, resort facilities, snowfall patterns, and slope types.

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