Dashboard Link: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Data-Stories-Gallery/Marketing-Campaign-Results-Dashboard/m-p/1679227/highlight/true
Key Insights from the dataset:
At 7.46%, Campaign 4 had the highest success rate and the lowest was Campaign 2, which had the success rate at 1.34%.
Wines accounted for 50.17% of amt spend and was 1,055.55% higher than Fruits and Sweets, which had the lowest at around 4%.
Customers aged between 51 to 65 had the highest spending Group accounted for 37%, followed by 36 to 50 brackets, which accounted for 33%. Almost 70% of our customers are between 36 years to 65 years.
Customers whose Income between 50001 to 75000 accounted for 49.80% of spending in last 2 years.
At 48.80%, Spain had the highest spending customers, far better than second country (Saudi Arabia) which had spending only for 16%.