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Denis Company Sales report - Power BI

Denis Company Sales Report

About this project

This project contains datasets of a fictional company called Denis.

  • Datasets such as Category, SubCategories, SalesRep, Geography, Product, and appended Sales from 2014-17 uploaded.
  • Done some data cleaning and modeling including relationship building and so on.
  • Created a new column named Geokey which includes Country and Town. Also, created a new table called DateMaster and separated year, month, week, week num, etc using DAX functions such as format, weeknum, and so on.
  • Using the related DAX function created a new column named Total revenue in the sales table multiplying units from the sales table and retail price from the Product table.
  • Created a new column named Total cost using the related DAX function by multiplying units from the sales table and standard cost from the product table. Also, created a gross profit column by subtracting the total cost from the total revenue column.
  • When the Data transformation / Data computations got over, we can jump into report creation.
  • For visualization, I have used a scroller, donuts, tables, lines, a waterfall, stacked charts, slicers, and scorecards to improve the interaction. Also, kept the design and theme minimalist.

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