This is incredible, great work Stefano! I know where I'm skiing next year!
Gerard Duggan
about 2 years ago
Next level work Stefano - love the case study walk through, and the add-ins like html and connection to currency apis, etc.
about 2 years ago
Hi Stefano, I'm a newbie, which is to say that all I've done is go through the Maven modules (all excellent, of course) on Power BI, and I try to practice when I can. I just want to complime
about 2 years ago
I rarely give feedback, but I said a lot, and most was cut off. Anyway, magnificent work, and very inspiring to me
Tera Schaller
almost 2 years ago
Wow! This is great work. I've been focused on other tools, but his really makes me want to try Power BI now. I also like how you added in extra info like the currency exchange rates and resor
Emmy jay
over 1 year ago
Wow man wow
Anh Leimer
over 1 year ago
This is the most advanced Power BI Dashboard I've ever seen, just wow and wonder how much time and effort you put into it. Thanks for sharing!