Sales & Marketing Dashboard | Airbnb Case Study

Tools used in this project
Sales & Marketing Dashboard | Airbnb Case Study

The Interactive Dashboard

About this project

A. Tools & Techniques used in the Project

  • Power BI
  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Modeling
  • DAX
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Multi-Layer Visualization
  • Mapping

B. Business Case :

Airbnb’s team in Spain is looking into ways to increase Airbnb’s market share in Barcelona. Airbnb Spain consists of a sales team, a marketing team, a small operations team, and yourself. You are the go-to person in the team when it comes to analyzing data and generating meaningful actionable insights. All product development happens in Airbnb’s HQ in San Francisco.

C. Dashboard Insights:

  • Mapping the locations of the advertisements
  • The percentage of SuperHost to Non SuperHost
  • The percentage of the total Advertisements by the room type
  • Top Host based on the AVG Review of customers and he/she hosts +35
  • The Average Response Rate for hosts
  • Current Advertisement
  • Total Hosts
  • Number of increased hosts (year, Quarter, Month, Day)
  • Top 10 Hosts' Countries
  • Top 10 Neighbourhood Advertisements

D. Recommendations:

Sales & Marketing:

  1. Encourage the hosts to be a super host through benefits or even receiving premium advantages for their advertisements ​
  2. Shared rooms and hotel rooms are almost 2% of the total advertisements​
  • Sales team should encourage the hosts to invest in these 2 types with the support of the marketing​
  1. The AVG hosts' response rate is below the target, Sales team should make a root cause analysis to solve this issue before its increase​
  2. The number of new hosts each year is decreasing, In a collaboration between the sales and marketing teams they must make a root cause analysis and then work on a specific target to increase the number of hosts​
  3. The marketing team should focus on the areas of most of the advertisement exists to increase the customers for these areas
  4. The sales team should focus on expanding in fewer areas by increasing the number of hosts in these areas with the marketing support

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