Sales & Operations Interactive Dashboard | E-Commerce Case Study

Tools used in this project
Sales & Operations Interactive Dashboard | E-Commerce Case Study

The Interactive Dashboard

About this project

A. Tools & Techniques used in the Project

  • Power BI
  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Modeling
  • DAX
  • M.Code
  • Filters
  • Slicers
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Multi-Layer Visualization

B. Business Case :

Today, 16th September 2018, your ZA’s VP of Sales and VP of Operations asked you to summarize their efforts in sales and operations. ZA is a US-based e-commerce company founded in Jan 2017. The company’s first market was Brazil. You are the go-to person in the team when it comes to analyzing data and generating meaningful actionable insights.

C. Dashboard Components:

1. Filters - Slicers

  • Sate Filter: to select which state exactly you want to know its related data
  • Time Slicer: To select the required time horizon for the data to be visualized
  • Total Value of Orders Graph Zoom In & Out Bars: To be able to zoom to specific values on the graph

2. Insights:

a. Sales:

  • Total Sales Value Trend
  • Top 10 Product Categories Revenue
  • AOV: Average Order Value
  • Average Shopping Cart Size
  • Average Customer Repeated Purchases
  • Total Number of Orders
  • Total Value of Orders

b. Operations:

  • Average time to approve the order
  • Average time from approval to the carrier
  • Average time for the carrier to deliver to the customer
  • Average of the overall order processing time from creation to delivery
  • Delivery Date Compliance
  • Average customer satisfaction rate

D. Recommendations:

a. Sales:

  1. The customers do not repeat purchases; This is a high risk to the business, and they need to make a root cause analysis to figure out the reasons
  2. The average cart size is 1.1; That means the sales team with the UI/UX and Tech. teams collaborate to be able to push the customers to find their needs + show suitable recommendations for them according to the products they purchase
  3. The sales team needs to increase their efforts as Q3's sales value goes down

b. Operations:

  1. Root Cause Analysis for the orders that were delivered after the estimated delivery date
  2. Workshop/Analysis to Offer opportunities & Resolve complaints to increase the average customer satisfaction
  3. The average order processing time is very critical, the average of all the statuses exceeded the target, which already needs to be reduced, The carrier takes too much time to pull the product and to deliver it
  • Root Cause Analysis for the carrier's operations techniques
  • Set Targets to meet the market requirements and roadmap to achieve them

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