Great work! Can you share the data sets please so I can also practice? Thank you!
Timo Schliebe
2 months ago
Great job! I really like the clean and professional layout.
Usama Chauhdary
about 2 months ago
Sufi Mudi
about 2 months ago
Great Work! It is very important especially for big organizations to make informed decisions to know their workforce dynamics.
Kimberly Beaven
about 2 months ago
I really like this. This is along the lines of what I want to create for the HR folks - have not tried something like this. The only other thing I would think they would like to see is an eNPS score page - really interested in how you accomplished this.
Ahmed Elzaki
about 2 months ago
Great work!
Can you kindly share the name of the visual you used on the salary distribution chart?