LinkedIn Data Visualization

LinkedIn Data Visualization

About this project

DEFINE: I started the Silvertone Analytics Career Services course on January 9, 2023. I have seen a significant gain in LinkedIn engagement and connections since taking the “Building Your Personal Brand” course. I wanted to see a visual of those results.

In the course, we were told that the success of your posting has to do with a few factors. Formatting of the post, the information given in the post (is this useable info?), consistency of posting (posting every day makes you more visible).

COLLECT: I downloaded all of my data on connections and comments from LinkedIn. Since I have only been an active user since July of 2022, there were only 400+ rows of data. So this project could be easily cleaned and visualized in Excel.

CLEAN: I started by separating the Datetime in the Reactions worksheet to break reactions down by date only. I used the TRUNC() function and the -INT function. No other manipulation was needed to visualize the data.

ANALYZE: Having visualized the results in several charts I made a few observations:

My most popular (reacted to) post came after taking the career services class. And my reactions stayed higher after using the information from the class. However, I did have a couple of outliers before the class.

My most connections in one day came after the career services class, leading me to think direction on the type of content to post was most helpful. Posting usable content is key to gaining connections.

SUMMARY: The Silvertone Analytics Career Services course was a factor in the gain in interaction and connection on LinkedIn. I would recommend taking the course and using their strategies for networking.

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