Tools used in this project
Customer Churn Analysis

Customer Churn Analysis

About this project

I joined a virtual internship of PwC through forage, where my role was of Power BI Analyst. This is the 2nd BI task from the internship, objective was that the client wanted insights behind the churning customers. My first approach was to check the data & perform cleaning for better results & started my analysis on Power BI Desktop.


➢ Customer Overview : • There are total 7,043 customers subscribed to the client, out of which 3,555 are Males & 3,488 are Females, & the revenue earned is $16.1M • 84% of our customers are Young i.e. 5901. • By tenure, 31% customers are subscribed to below 12 months, as a result there are more customers with month-to-month contract • Most customers have Fiber optic internet for which they are paying high charges. • 73.5% of customers have been retained i.e. 5,174

➢ Churn Customers : • 1,869 customers have churned i.e. 26.5% , out of which 380 customers churned last month itself. Revenue lost due to churn is $2.9M. • Gender is not the major factor of churning as ratio of Males and Females is same. • 1037 customers with less than 12 months tenure have churned, whereas customers with 61-72 months of tenure are just 93. • 89% customers churned had month-to-month contract. • Customers paying high charges have churned the most i.e.1274, along with customers with fiber optic internet have also churned the most

➢ Churning factors are : • Young Customers • Customers with tenure of last than 12 months • Customers with month-to-month contract • Customers subscribed to fiber optic • Customers paying high charges

Discussion and feedback(1 comment)
Ahmed Khider
Ahmed Khider
over 1 year ago
very well designed report Dear,Could you please tell how to do such a page navigator
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