About this project

This project #3 is part of the "Advanced Excel Dashboard Design" Course by Maven Analytics.

Project Brief:

You’ve just been hired as the Lead Business Intelligence Analyst for Maven Toys , a small toy store chain in the US. As one of your first tasks, the COO has asked you to prepare a new monthly dashboard for the company’s Regional Sales Managers.

Could you build a dashboard that we can use to filter by region, track monthly revenue trends, and see performance year over year?

I’d also like to compare performance across stores, and identify which specific products drove the biggest gains and losses.

Key Objectives:

  1. Define the purpose for the dashboard
  2. Choose the key metrics & interactivity
  3. Plan ahead for growing source data
  4. Prepare the data for visualization
  5. Create primary & supporting visuals
  6. Design the final dashboard layout
  7. Configure the workbook for sharing
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