Tools used in this project
NGO Project

About this project

undefinedProject Scope:

  • Data Analysis:
    • Explore relationships between assignments, donations, and donors.
    • Identify trends in funding patterns, impact scores of projects.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of different donor types (individuals, organizations) in supporting Good Thought's mission.
  • Data Visualization:
    • Create visualizations (e.g., charts, graphs, maps) to communicate findings effectively.
    • Visualize the distribution of projects across different regions.
    • Compare impact scores of different project types or funding levels.

Using SQLundefined

  • I wrote an SQL query to analyze the data from the Good Thought NGO database. The query retrieves the following information for each assignment:The query joins the assignments, donations, and donors tables to combine information from these tables. It then groups the results by the specified columns and orders them by the rounded_total_donation_amount in descending order.This query effectively summarizes the key information about each assignment, including its funding, location, donor type, and impact.Region: The geographical region where the assignment is located.Rounded Total Donation Amount: The total amount of donations received for the assignment, rounded to two decimal places.Donor Type: The type of donor (e.g., Individual, Organization, Corporate).Date: The date of the donation in YYYY-MM-DD format.Impact Score: The impact score assigned to the assignment.
  • POWER BI (For the Visualization)Key Metrics:undefined
  • Assignment Count (5000): This highlights the total number of assignments carried out, giving a measure of the scale of the organization's operations.
  • Total Donation (2.53M): Shows the cumulative donation amount, providing a high-level view of the organization's financial input over time.
  • Average Donation (505.32): The average contribution per donor, which helps in understanding donor behavior and gauging the organization's ability to attract meaningful contributions.
  • Donation Per Impact (92.50): This metric connects the donations to their social impact, revealing the effectiveness of donation utilization.
  • Average Impact Score (5.46): Reflects the organization's overall effectiveness in generating positive outcomes, based on assigned impact scores.

Visual Insights:

  • Top 5 Assignments: The chart showcases the top 5 assignments by region, with the 'East' region leading in terms of the number of assignments.
  • Donation by Year and Month: A time-series graph of total donations, allowing stakeholders to spot trends and seasonality in donation patterns from 2020 to 2022.
  • Donation Amount by Donor Type: A pie chart illustrating the breakdown of donations by corporate (32.71%), organization (34.95%), and individual donors (32.35%). This provides insight into the diversity of funding sources.

Total Donation by Region and Donor Type: A bar chart comparing donations across regions (South, East, West, North) and donor types, providing a regional performance overview.undefinedImpact Analysis

Key Metrics:

  1. Total Impact Score (27.31K): This reflects the cumulative impact generated by the organization’s operations, which provides a measure of the overall societal benefit created by their efforts.
  2. Impact Per Donation (1.08%): A key efficiency metric showing how much impact is achieved for every donation made, emphasizing the return on each dollar in terms of social impact.
  3. Max Impact Score (10) and Min Impact Score (1): The range of impact scores, showcasing the organization’s best and least impactful assignments.

Visual Insights:

  • Sum of Impact Score by Year and Month: This time-series chart provides a trend analysis of impact scores from 2020 to 2022. Peaks can be identified, with the highest impact occurring in specific months like July 2020 and July 2021, indicating potential periods of increased project effectiveness.

  • Assignment Count by Impact Category: Assignments are categorized as Excellent, Good, or Average. The majority of assignments fall into the Average and Good categories, with a significant number achieving an Excellent impact score, highlighting areas for both improvement and success.

  • Average Impact Score by Region and Donor Type: This treemap visualization compares impact across different regions (South, East, West, North) and donor types (Individual, Corporate, Organization). It shows regional and donor-type effectiveness, indicating which donor segments drive the highest average impact in each region.

    Overall, this project provides valuable insights into how Good Thought manages donations and maximizes its social impact across different regions and donor types.

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