About this project

Project Goals

  1. What are the most efficient factory to customer shipping routes?
  2. What about the least efficient?
  3. Which product lines have the best product margin?
  4. Which product lines should be moved to a different factory to optimize shipping routes?

The dashboard is created to answer the above questions. To measure the factory efficiency, I am considering to include the profit and also the distance from factory to customers. To calculate the distance between factory and customer, I used Haversine formula because I have latitude and longitude of two locations.

Haversine formula calculation in Power BI

Firstly, radian is calculated for each geometric coordinates.

undefinedundefinedAfter radians calculation, the above formula is used to get the estimated distance miles between 2 points.

Key Findings

1. What are the most efficient factory to customer shipping routes?

To determine factory's efficiency, I am considering the profit generated and also distance that factory needs to ship the orders. Shipping distance is important for the factory because it impact the transporting costs and time. In the dashboard, we can see that Secret factory has the significant Profit Per Unit, Profit Per Order and Profit Per Mile. It also has the lowest miles per order which 846.41 miles because most of its customers are located near the factory. If we can enhance order units from the customers, the factory can generate more profit than others.

2. What about the least efficient?

The Other factory has the lowest Profit Per Order, Profit Per Unit and Profit Per Mile. There is 1065.78 miles per order from that factory.

3. Which product lines have the best product margin?Everlasting Gobstopper has the profit margin of 80% which is the highest among 14 product lines.

4. Which product lines should be moved to a different factory to optimize shipping routes?

I am using minimum miles to answer this question. Minimum miles is the shortest distance order. There are high (minimum distance) in Nerds, SweeTARTS, EverlastingGobstopper, Laffy Taffy, Fizzy Lifting Drinks products. For Nerds, I will suggest to move to Secret Factory because the customers are near that factory location.I will suggest Everlasting Gobstopper to move to Lot's O' Nuts factory and Fizzy Lifting Drinks, to move to Secret Factory.

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