Competitor Sales Analysis in Power BI (Sintech Company)

Tools used in this project
 Competitor Sales Analysis in Power BI (Sintech Company)

About this project

This project focuses on analyzing Sintech Company's sales performance relative to its competitors, using Power BI to create two interactive dashboards: Competitors' Sales Analysis and Advanced Insights.

Competitors' Sales Analysis Dashboard:

  • Objective: To provide an overview of Sintech's market position and track sales growth trends by category, geography, and competitor.
  • Key Features:
    • Total Revenue: Market total revenue is $362.83M and Sintech contributing to a 19.63% market share.
    • Sales by Category: Revenue is broken down into different segments like "Extreme," "All Season," "Youth," and "Productivity," showing year-over-year growth rates.
    • Geographic Breakdown: The dashboard compares revenue by country (e.g., Canada, Germany, Japan, USA and Mexico) and by competitor (e.g., Aquatall, Artisans, Ductal, Ondex).
    • Revenue Over Time: A time-based analysis shows revenue trends by month, allowing the user to track seasonal variations and sales growth.undefined
  • Advanced Insights Dashboard:
    • Objective: To dive deeper into segment-specific revenue influencers and identify top products driving growth for Sintech.
    • Key Features:
      • Revenue Insights: Total revenue from top categories like "Urban" and "Extreme" are highlighted, with a specific focus on products like Sintech UE.05 and Sintech UE.15, which show the highest contribution to sales.
      • Key Influencers: This section uses AI-powered analytics to identify factors driving revenue increases, such as product features and segment-specific sales trends.
      • Top Segments: The dashboard identifies which product lines and categories have the most substantial impact on Sintech’s overall performance.
      • undefined
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