Loan Insights 360: Unlocking Key Metrics and Customer Behavior

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Loan Insights 360: Unlocking Key Metrics and Customer Behavior

About this project

Comprehensive Report on Loan Data Analysis

1. Objective:

The main goal of this analysis was to process and analyze a loan dataset, extract key insights, and perform several calculations related to loan status, repayment, and customer behavior. I also generated a visualization to illustrate the distribution of loan statuses.

2. Data Processing and Cleaning:

  • Loading Data: The dataset was initially loaded into a Pandas DataFrame from an Excel file. It contained details about customer loans such as first and last names, loan amounts (Principal), balances, due amounts, repayment schedules, and maturity dates.
  • Combining Names: I merged the First Name and Last Name columns into a single column Full Name. Afterward, I dropped the original name columns, as they were no longer necessary.
df['Full Name'] = df['First Name'] + ' ' + df['Last Name'] df.drop(['First Name', 'Last Name'], axis=1, inplace=True)
  • Handling Data Types: The dataset contained date columns like Released (loan release date) and Maturity (loan maturity date). These were converted to the appropriate datetime format to allow for date-based calculations such as loan tenor.
df['Released'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Released']) df['Maturity'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Maturity'])
  • Conversion of Numeric Columns: The columns related to financial amounts (Principal, Due, Monthly repayment, Balance) were converted to numeric data types. I used the pd.to_numeric() function to ensure any non-numeric entries (such as strings or erroneous values) were coerced into NaN, allowing for consistent numerical calculations.
df['Principal'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Principal'], errors='coerce') df['Due'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Due'], errors='coerce') df['Monthly repayment'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Monthly repayment'], errors='coerce') df['Balance'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Balance'], errors='coerce')

3. Loan Status Analysis:

  • Fully Paid vs. Open Loans: I created a new column, Loan Status, to categorize loans as either "Fully Paid" or "Open". This was determined by checking whether the Balance was zero. If the balance was zero, the loan was considered "Fully Paid", otherwise it was classified as "Open".
df['Loan status'] = df.apply(lambda row: 'Fully Paid' if row['Balance'] == 0 else 'Open', axis=1)

4. Key Calculations:

  • Loan Tenor (Months): The loan tenor was calculated by finding the difference in months between the Maturity and Released dates. I first calculated the difference in days and then divided by 30 to get an approximate number of months.
df['Loan Tenor (Months)'] = (df['Maturity'] - df['Released']).dt.days // 30
  • Principal Paid: The principal paid by each customer was calculated by subtracting the Balance from the Principal. If the Balance was zero, the entire principal was considered fully paid.
df['Principal Paid'] = df['Principal'] - df['Balance'] df['Principal Paid'] = df['Principal Paid'].fillna(0)

5. Aggregated Metrics:

I calculated several aggregated metrics that summarize the financial and customer behavior insights within the dataset:

  • Number of Customers with Multiple Loans: I grouped the data by Customer ID to find how many customers took out more than one loan. This allows us to identify repeat customers.
loan_counts = df.groupby('Customer ID')['LoanID'].count() customers_with_multiple_loans = loan_counts[loan_counts > 1].count()
  • Total Principal Given: The total sum of all loan principals in the dataset.
total_principal_given = df['Principal'].sum()
  • Total Due: The total amount due across all loans in the dataset.
total_due = df['Due'].sum()
  • Total Monthly Repayment: The total of monthly repayment amounts across all loans.
total_monthly_repayment = df['Monthly repayment'].sum()

6. Data Visualization:

  • Loan Status Distribution: To visually present the distribution of loan statuses (Fully Paid vs. Open loans), I plotted a bar chart using Matplotlib. This chart provides a quick overview of how many loans have been fully paid versus those that are still open.
status_counts = df['Loan status'].value_counts() status_counts.plot(kind='bar', color=['blue', 'green']) plt.title('Count of Loan Status') plt.xlabel('Loan Status') plt.ylabel('Count') plt.xticks(rotation=0) plt.savefig('loan_status_chart.png') # Save the chart as a PNG file plt.show()

7. Exporting Results:

  • Excel Report: I exported the final dataset, including all new columns (such as Full Name, Loan Status, Loan Tenor, and Principal Paid), to an Excel file named loan_analysis_results.xlsx. A separate sheet was also included, summarizing the key aggregated metrics such as the total principal given, the number of customers with multiple loans, and other relevant statistics.
with pd.ExcelWriter('loan_analysis_results.xlsx') as writer: df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Loan Data', index=False) summary_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Metric': ['Number of Customers with Multiple Loans', 'Total Principal Given', 'Total Due', 'Total Monthly Repayment'], 'Value': [customers_with_multiple_loans, total_principal_given, total_due, total_monthly_repayment] }) summary_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Summary', index=False)

Loan Analysis Results

8. Summary of Insights:

  • Loan Status: The majority of loans are still open, with fewer fully paid loans. This indicates a large portion of outstanding loans are still being serviced by customers.
  • Principal Paid: Most customers have paid off a significant portion of their loans. However, some customers still have substantial balances.
  • Customer Loan Behavior: A significant number of customers took out more than one loan, suggesting loyalty or dependency on loan products.
  • Total Loan Metrics: The total amount of loans given out is substantial, and monthly repayment totals provide insight into ongoing cash flows for the institution.

9. Next Steps & Recommendations:

  • Further Analysis on Default Risk: Investigating the factors leading to customers defaulting on their loans (i.e., why some loans remain open for longer) could help improve repayment rates.
  • Segmentation of Repeat Customers: Understanding the behavior of customers with multiple loans could provide insight into targeting strategies for future loan products.
  • Repayment Optimization: Consider offering incentives to customers with long-standing open loans to accelerate repayments.
  • Reporting: Automating this process for monthly reporting can help track ongoing trends and give an up-to-date picture of loan performance.

This report provides an in-depth overview of the work completed, the insights derived, and future considerations. Let me know if there are any further details you’d like to explore!

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