The "Tourism Density Index" is a dataset provided by "Makeover Monday," a monthly Tableau challenge. Tourism Density is a way to gauge if a country is overpopulated or underpopulated by tourists, compared to its general population. For example, if the number of tourists to a country is more than the general population of the country - that would be considered an over-toured country.
The goal of the challenge was to tell a compelling story through a Tableau dashboard.
At first, I had some trouble conceptualizing what I wanted to convey with the dashboard. The dataset felt small and fairly self explanatory.
I then thought about the tourists who might be interested in the dashboard. Tourists are seeking out something fun, joyful and easy to navigate. I then got inspiration from travel guides and their visually appealing nature. I decided to make a dashboard that was simple, pretty, and something that could fit neatly in a travel blog.
I set up the dashboard so that when you click on a country, viewers get a map of the country and the stats of the country. I also created a calculated field so that viewers could see by what % the country was over-toured or under-toured. Finally, I included a chart so viewers could see the raw number of yearly tourists against the population.