Quarterly Performances

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Quarterly Performances

About this project

For this project, I assumed the role of Sales Manager for a B2B company specializing in selling computer hardware.

My goal was to build a dynamic dashboard using Google Sheets in order to track the performance of all sales agents on a quarterly basis. I accomplished this by creating Pivot tables to show Opportunities Won by Quarter, Percentage of Won vs. Lost Opportunities by Quarter, and Opportunities Won by Sales Agent by Quarter. I used a Scoreboard to display the number of opportunities won this quarter vs. the previous one, a pie chart to visualize the win percentage of opportunities for the current quarter, and a bar chart to showcase the number of opportunities won by sales agents. Finally, I added two slicers in order to toggle through sales agents' performance broken down by region and manager.

In this quarter, the West region is the only one of the three to have increased upon the number of opportunities won when compared to the previous one. They are also the only region to have a winning percentage above 60%. Sales Manager Summer Sewald is spearheading a talented team from the West.

Rocco Neubert (East) and Melvin Marxen (Central), unfortunately, are leading underperforming teams - both are down 45 opportunities when compared to the previous quarter. To illustrate that, 4 of Neubert's sales agents failed to match the number of opportunity wins from the quarter prior. Furthermore, none of them exceeded 40 wins.

For Marxen, he has the benefit of having the strongest sales agent in the company on his team in Darcel Schlecht. She had a poor quarter performance by her standards, missing her previous mark by 21 wins. Marxen also has one of the lowest performing sales agent in Niesha Huffines.

I would suggest the managers look at the data, evaluate their team's performance, and come up with strategies that work for the higher performing sales agents in order to raise the floor.

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