Hi Osaid, your dashboard so great! If you don't mind, you can send me your report to email: duongthingoc2002@gmail.com. I want to refer to understand the logic behind your dashboard, Thanks!
Jude Raji
5 months ago
Hi Osaid, amazing dashboard.
I'd like to know how you were able to calculate the Offer-Linked Purchases and Revenue (Promotion Driven).
Thank you.
Gad Shoaib
5 months ago
Hi Osaid, many thanks for your dashboard and the clear explanation of your logic.
I have an issue and it would be appreciated if could offer a solution for it.
When I create a One_to_Many relationship between Customers table (All duplicates were removed, Trim, Clean all values in Customer_ID column) and the Events table via the Customer_ID column, the relationship is reversed automatically to Many_to_One relationship.
So, had you faced this issue and what is your explanation.
Miguel Pena
4 months ago
Hi Said, great job with the layout and context for each visual, this is very clear for the end users.
Blessing Adewale
4 months ago
Hello Osaid, you have done a great job in this analysis and also trying to explain to us. I just thought you could do a video of this project analysis and upload on your YouTube channel and share the link with some of us trying to understand it. This could also help build your YouTube channel.