Hi Lin ! Very nice dashboard, I love the structure and the questions followed by charts 🌸🙏😊
I think the "events" file is not completed, meaning it's a missing piece of data for the transactions. It should be an extra column for "transaction" event with the offer_id related to that transaction , or in the"value" column where we see now the amount like this {'amount': 2.8} it should be like this : {'amount': 2.8, 'offer_id': '2906b810c7d4411798c6938adc9daaa5'} . We don't know sure if a transaction is exactly related to a certain type of offer even if it occurred simultaneously because I saw at the same time many transactions with different customer_id and just one offer completed . Hope this makes sense! 🙏
Paul Emmanuel UDOH
6 months ago
This is lovely, simple and interactive. Wish to get the data to replicate this for learning purpose. Good job
Steven Jeromi P
6 months ago
Visually appealing dashboard. Great work
Mariam Abdalgaed
6 months ago
Great Work
Thạch Quyên Dương
6 months ago
Hi Lin Zhu! I'm really impressed with your dashboard and logic. I would like to learn more about how you present and solve the problem so can you send me the PBI of this case study? If possible, you send via email:duongthachquyen@gmail.com. I really thank you and hope that soon get feedback from you