Tools used in this project
Olympics Performance Analytics

Power Bi Dashboard

About this project

Olympic 2024 Dashboard Project Report


The Olympic Games are a global event that showcases the peak of human athletic achievement. The 2024 Olympics are no exception, drawing participation from across the world, with athletes competing in various sports, striving for glory. This project aims to analyze and visualize the performance of athletes, the distribution of medals, and the participation of countries in the 2024 Olympics. The analysis also includes historical data, providing a comprehensive view from 1896 to 2022, allowing for comparisons and trend identification.

Numerical Insights:

  • Total Athletes: 11,110 (5,655 male and 5,455 female)
  • Gold Medals: 737 (368 male, 363 female)
  • Silver Medals: 746
  • Bronze Medals: 799
  • Total Medals: 2,282
  • Highest Performing Country: USA with 327 total medals
  • Total Countries Participating: 206
  • Total Teams: 1,698
  • Most Common Age Category: 26-30 years

Project Implementation:

In this project, I leveraged multiple tools and techniques to create an interactive and insightful dashboard. Here’s how the project was structured and the unique approaches that were applied:

  1. Integration of Python for Data Connectivity:
    • Instead of following the traditional method of downloading datasets from external sources and uploading them into Power BI, I integrated Python to connect the dataset directly from Kaggle.
    • Advantages:
      • Real-time Data Access: By connecting directly to Kaggle, the data remains up-to-date, eliminating the need for manual downloads and updates.
      • Efficiency: This approach reduces time and storage overhead, as the data doesn't need to be stored locally before analysis.
      • Automation: The script can be scheduled to run at intervals, ensuring the dataset is always refreshed with the latest information.
  2. Dynamic Visuals with Interactive Controls:
    • The dashboard features dynamic visuals for different sports types, enhanced with animated open and close buttons. This design choice allows users to explore specific sports categories in detail or view them in a consolidated manner, improving the interactivity of the dashboard.
  3. Key Highlights with Dynamic Values:
    • Key metrics and highlights are dynamically updated as users apply different filters. For example, it showcases that male athletes won 368 gold medals, while female athletes won 363 gold medals. This ensures that the dashboard provides relevant insights tailored to the user's selected criteria, such as specific sports, countries, or athlete demographics.
  4. Comprehensive Visualization Strategy:
    • I employed a variety of appropriate visuals to represent key aspects of the data, including:
      • Athlete Preferences: Showcasing choices of sports, their participation rates by gender and age distribution, with most athletes being in the 26-30 age category.
      • Medal Distribution: Visualizing the total of 737 gold, 746 silver, and 799 bronze medals, won by each gender, across different sports, and by various countries.
      • Country Performance: Analyzing overall performance by countries, highlighting that the USA is the highest-performing country with a total of 327 medals.
      • Historical Analysis: Integrating data from previous Olympics (1896-2022) to provide context and allow for trend analysis over time.
  5. Previous Years’ Analysis:
    • The dashboard also incorporates a comparative analysis with data from previous Olympic Games. This section provides insights into how performance and participation have evolved, helping to identify patterns and predict future trends.


This project provided valuable learning experiences, particularly in integrating Python with Power BI for more efficient data handling. It also enhanced my skills in creating dynamic and interactive visualizations that can adapt to user inputs in real time. The use of historical data also added depth to the analysis, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of the trends and performance metrics.

Unique Aspects of the Project:

  • Direct Data Integration: Connecting directly to Kaggle using Python scripts is a novel approach that saves time and ensures data accuracy.
  • Interactive Visuals: The inclusion of dynamic visuals with animation adds a level of interactivity that is not commonly seen in static reports, making the dashboard more engaging and user-friendly.
  • Real-time Insights: The ability of key highlights to update dynamically with filters ensures that the insights are always relevant to the user’s current view, providing a tailored experience.
  • Historical Analysis: The inclusion of historical data from 1896 to 2022 provides deep insights and allows for trend comparison, enriching the overall analysis.

Potential Applications and Impact:

This dashboard can be a valuable tool for various stakeholders:

  • For Sports Analysts: It provides detailed insights into athlete performance and country rankings, helping in the evaluation of strategies and performance improvement.
  • For Event Organizers: The analysis of historical trends and current data can aid in planning future events, identifying potential areas of improvement or focus.
  • For General Audiences: The interactive and visually appealing design makes it easier for non-technical users to understand complex data, making the Olympics more accessible to the public.

In conclusion, this Olympic 2024 dashboard not only provides a detailed analysis of the current games but also offers insights into past trends, making it a comprehensive tool for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of the Olympic Games. The integration of advanced techniques like Python scripting and dynamic visualizations sets this project apart, making it both innovative and practical.

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