Tools used in this project
Maven Hospital Challenge

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

Showcased a comprehensive dashboard showing overview at a glance, Insurance, Patient and Avg Stay Analysis in detail which led to discovering hidden insights.


· Total Patients: 974

· Readmitted Patients: 728

· Admitted Patients:793

· Total Procedures:47,701

· Procedures, Encounters and Total Patients are high in the Year 2014 followed by 2021.

· Procedures, Encounters and Total Patients are least in the Year 2022. So, the total revenue was dropped down.

· Insured Procedures:24,791

· Uninsured Procedures:22,910

· Total Encounters:27,000

· Ambulatory Encounter class has recorded with high number of encounters (12.5k) followed by outpatient and urgent care.

· Lower Number of encounters are recorded for emergency, wellness, inpatient.

· Average Cost per visit: $3.64k

· Average length of Stay in Hrs:7.25

· Average Procedure cost per visit: $2.21k

· Total Revenue: $101.51M (Male: $52.97M, Female: $ 48.54M)

· Coverage Amount: $31.10M

· Out of Total Revenue, 30.63% (31.10M) is covered by Insurance.

· Out of all Payers, Medicare covered more Procedures.

· Amount paid by patients: $70.42M

· The top 5 Procedures by density are: Normal Pregnancy, Atrial Fibrillation, Malignant Neoplasm of disorder, non-small cell carcinoma of lung TNM Stage1, Hypoxemia.


· Medicare has the highest coverage amount: $19M with total claim cost: 25M, followed by Medicaid with coverage amount $8M for claim cost: $9M. Medicare covered mostly for elderly age patients.

· Out of top 15 patients, Eugene Abernathy (Elderly age) was the 1st top patient who received highest coverage amount: $845K (Also, with highest claim amount: $1M and with highest patient amount: $215K)

· Total Claim cost and Coverage Amount peaks in the yea r 2014, 2020 and shows some fluctuations over the years, with a drastic drop in year 2022.This indicates that there might be severe health crisis in year 2014, 2020.

· Insurance Companies mostly covered Normal Pregnancy. It could be because of many pregnancy cases.


· Out of 974 patients, 480 are female, 494 are Male.

· Though Females are slightly less than males, they encountered more procedures, encounters than males.

· Encounters- Female: 53.51% (14924) , Male: 46.49% (12967)

· Procedures- Female: 53.74% (25633), Male: 46.26% (22068)

· This indicates that females have more health issues.

· Half the patients are from Boston city (541)

· Admitted, Readmitted patients count is more in months of February, March.

· Middle aged People, Elder people have more health issues and admitted in hospital when compared to young, senior aged people.

· Kimberly Collier was the patient with the highest number of encounters and procedures.

· Patients have been admitted more due to Chronic congestive heart failure followed by Hyperlipidemia.

· Nick Tillman was the person who stayed for 4893 hrs in hospital (avg stay) due to Sinusitis, Anemia


· December has highest average stay in hrs(22) followed by March(18 hrs)

· Patients suffering from Sepsis (203 hrs), Covid (183 hrs) stay for a greater number of hours.

· Middle aged Patients stay for more hours compared to Senior, Elderly, Young aged patients.

· Average Stay Length peaks in the year 2014

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Discussion and feedback(6 comments)
vivek kalyanapu
about 2 months ago
Excellent work

Amira Tlemecni
about 2 months ago

about 1 month ago
Seems like the dashboard is very well organized. Great Work @Harshithaabbina
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