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 Maven Hospital Challenge

About this project

Hospital Overview and KPIs

  • Total Cost Not Covered: $70.42M
  • Average Cost per Visit: $3.64K
  • Total Number of Patients: 974
  • Patient Count by Month:
    • Peaks in February (3019 patients) and a general decline towards the end of the year
  • Encounter Class Breakdown:
    • Ambulatory: 12.5K
    • Outpatient: 6.3K
    • Urgent Care: 3.7K
    • Emergency: 2.3K
    • Wellness: 1.9K
    • Inpatient: 1.1K
  • Admissions and Claim Costs by Month and Year:
    • Highest claims in March 2012 ($774,524.96)
    • Total admissions: 27,891
    • Total claim cost: $101,514,375.52

Patient and Procedure Analysis

  • Gender Distribution:
    • Male: 480 (49.2%)
    • Female: 494 (50.7%)
  • Average Length of Stay: 0.30 days
  • Count of City: 974
  • Top Reasons for Encounters:
    • Acute bronchitis: 1732 encounters
    • Acute respiratory infections: 1240 encounters
    • Acute viral infections: 1167 encounters
    • Appendicitis: 552 encounters
  • City Count by Gender and County:
    • Suffolk County: 331 (M), 313 (F)
    • Plymouth County: 27 (M), 22 (F)
    • Norfolk County: 65 (M), 90 (F)
    • Middlesex County: 71 (M), 54 (F)
    • Essex County: 1 (F)
  • Monthly Average Length of Stay:
    • Peaks in March (0.73 days) and December (0.92 days)

Financial Analysis and Insights

  • Total Claim Costs:
    • Total: $101.51M
    • Max Claim Costs per Year: $12.0M (2014)
    • Not Covered: $70.42M
  • Encounter Class Breakdown (Pie Chart):
    • Ambulatory: 44.95%
    • Outpatient: 22.59%
    • Urgent Care: 8.33%
    • Emergency: 4.07%
    • Wellness: 3.67%
    • Inpatient: 1.91%
  • Annual Claim Costs:
    • Highest in 2014 ($12.0M)
    • Steady decline after 2014
  • Admissions and Claim Costs by Month and Year:
    • Total claims: $101,514,375.52
    • Total payer coverage: $31,097,506.99

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Discussion and feedback(8 comments)
about 2 months ago
Very Impressive Project.

Classic Collection
about 2 months ago
I just reviewed the Power BI report on Massachusetts General Hospital, and I must say, I'm thoroughly impressed. The data visualization is clear and insightful, making it easy to understand the key metrics and trends. This report not only highlights the hospital's performance effectively but also provides valuable insights that can drive strategic decisions. Great job on creating such a comprehensive and user-friendly report!

clickngrowth access lastname
about 2 months ago
The Power BI report on Massachusetts General Hospital is exceptional! The visualizations are sharp and provide a clear picture of the hospital's performance. It’s a powerful tool for analyzing data and making informed decisions. Fantastic work Ahsan!

Sarim Baig
about 2 months ago
Very impressive visualisation

Asim Iqbal
about 2 months ago
Best presentationwith easily readability of data. Covered all aspects in one pic.

Muhammad Habib
about 2 months ago
Very Impressive, puts a lot of effort

Habib Ur Rehman
about 2 months ago
Did very well, touched every corner, hats off man

Abrar ul Hassan
about 2 months ago
Great visualization, puted every point which literally need in one frame.
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