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Maven Hospital Challenge

About this project

Maven Hospital Challenge

This project provides a comprehensive analysis of patient encounters, procedures, and financial performance at Massachusetts General Hospital. By leveraging data visualizations through Power BI dashboards, the study offers valuable insights into key hospital metrics such as total encounters, procedures, patient demographics, and financial claims.

The analysis highlights trends in patient encounters and procedures, identifies the most frequent and costly procedures, and examines the relationship between payer coverage and total claims.Additionally, it explores demographic factors, including age, race, and marital status, that influence procedure frequency and hospital revenue. These findings are crucial for strategic planning, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing patient care services at the hospital.

1. Patient Encounter Status and Financial Analysis

Overview: This dashboard provides an overview of patient encounters, procedures, financial claims, and patient demographics at Massachusetts General Hospital. Key metrics include total encounters, procedures, patients, claims, and mortality rate.

Key Metrics:

  • Total Encounters: 27,891
  • Total Procedures: 47,701
  • Total Patients: 974
  • Total Claims: $102 million
  • Mortality Rate: 15.81%

Patient Encounter and Procedures Trending:

  • Trend Analysis: The number of patient encounters peaked around 2014 with approximately 3.8K encounters, followed by a decline and stabilization around 2.2K to 2.4K encounters per year from 2015 onwards. The number of patients undergoing procedures has remained relatively stable, ranging from 82 to 448 patients per year.

Patient Class Analysis:

  • Ambulatory Patients: Majority of patient encounters are ambulatory, with nearly 12.5K patients, indicating a high reliance on non-emergency, walk-in services.
  • Inpatient Encounters: The low number of inpatient encounters could indicate efficient outpatient services reducing the need for hospital admissions.

Revenue by Encounter Class:

  • Highest Revenue Generators:
    • Ambulatory: $15 million (covered) and $21 million (not covered)
    • Urgent Care: $4 million (covered) and $19 million (not covered)
    • Outpatient: $5 million (covered) and $9 million (not covered)
  • Lower Revenue Generators: Emergency, inpatient, and wellness encounters generate significantly lower revenues.

Claim Payers:

  • Top Payers:
    • Medicare: 24.28%
    • Medicaid: 16.31%
    • Humana: 3.49%
    • Anthem: 2.94%
  • No Insurance: 48.52% of claims are from patients without insurance.
  • Coverage Analysis: 37.85% of claims are covered by insurance.

Top 100 Patients:

  • Services Received:
    • Kimberly627: 1,380 encounters, 1,167 procedures (Renal dialysis)
    • Mariano761: 1,261 encounters, 713 procedures (Renal dialysis)
    • Shani239: 887 encounters, 694 procedures (Renal dialysis)
  • Other Notable Services: Electrical cardioversion and hospice care.

2. Patient Procedure Analysis

Overview: This dashboard focuses on the analysis of patient procedures, including the number of procedures, costly procedures, demographic breakdowns, and procedure frequency.

Top 10 Procedures:

  • Most Frequent Procedures:
    • Assessment of health: 4.6K
    • Hospice care: 4.1K
    • Depression screening: 3.6K

Costly Procedures (Average):

  • Top Expensive Procedures:
    • Admit to ICU: $206K
    • Coronary artery bypass graft: $47K
    • Lumpectomy of breast: $29K

Procedures by Age Group:

  • Age 90-99: 13.1K procedures
  • Age 80-89: 11.5K procedures
  • Age 70-79: 4.4K procedures

Procedures by Race:

  • White: 70.87%
  • Black: 16.1%
  • Asian: 8.45%

Procedures by Ethnic Group:

  • Majority Group: 81.57% of procedures were performed on the hispanic group while 39K procedures were on non hispanic

Marital Status:

  • Married Patients: 81.43% of procedures were performed on married patients.

3. Organizational Performance

Overview: This dashboard evaluates the relationship between payer coverage and total claims, average coverage by gender, encounter classes, and revenue from encounters and procedures.

Payer Coverage and Total Claims:

  • Positive Correlation: A clear positive correlation exists between payer coverage and total claims. Both genders follow the general trend line, with slightly more male data points than female.

Encounter Class Analysis:

  • Average Hospital Stay (Hours):
    • Inpatient: 36.83 hours
    • Ambulatory: 9.48 hours
    • Outpatient: 5.88 hours

Revenue by Encounter Class:

  • Outpatient: Generates 9.578% of total revenue.
  • Ambulatory: Generates 18.211% of total revenue.

4. Patient Outcomes

Top 20 Procedures by Volume and Revenue

Key Observations:

  • Assessment of health and social care: With 4.6K procedures, this is the most frequently performed procedure.
  • Hospice Care Service: Generates the highest revenue, significantly peaking at around $36 million, despite having 4.1K procedures.
  • Depression Screening: 3.6K procedures performed.
  • Renal Disease Screening and Other Assessments: Each with around 2.4K to 2.9K procedures.
  • Medication Reconciliation: 1.4K procedures, notably generating around $6 million in revenue.
  • Auscultation of Fetus: Although it has 1.1K procedures, the revenue is considerably lower.
  • Catheterization and Bone Density Scan: These procedures have lower volumes (0.5K to 0.2K) and correspondingly lower revenue.


  • The procedure with the highest number of completions is the Assessment of health and social care, while the procedure generating the highest revenue is Electric Cardioversion.
  • There is a diverse range of procedures with varying volumes and revenue impacts, indicating a broad scope of services offered.

Class of Patients Encountered

Key Observations:

  • Ambulatory: Highest number of encounters at 12.5K, indicating a heavy reliance on non-emergency, walk-in services.
  • Outpatient: Significant encounters at 6.3K.
  • Urgent Care: 3.7K encounters, showcasing substantial usage.
  • Emergency: 2.3K encounters, indicating critical care services are a smaller portion.
  • Wellness and Inpatient: With 1.9K and 1.1K encounters respectively, these categories have the least number of encounters.


  • The majority of patient encounters are ambulatory, suggesting efficient outpatient services that reduce the need for hospital admissions.
  • Lower inpatient encounters indicate possible effective preventive care and outpatient management strategies.

Number of Encounters per Hour Over the Week

This heatmap shows the distribution of patient encounters per hour for each day of the week.

Key Observations:

  • Peak Hours: Highest encounters are seen in the mid-morning to afternoon hours, specifically between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM.
  • Busiest Days: Monday and Wednesday show the highest total encounters at 4,441 and 4,535 respectively.
  • Weekend Activity: Though lower than weekdays, Saturday and Sunday still see considerable activity.


  • The hospital experiences the highest patient influx during the midweek, with Monday and Wednesday being the busiest.
  • After midnight till morning is the peak period for patient encounters, indicating optimal times for staffing and resource allocation.

The dashboard effectively highlights the distribution and financial impact of various procedures, patient encounter types, and temporal patterns of patient visits. Key takeaways include:

  • A strong focus on ambulatory and outpatient services, reflecting efficient non-emergency care management.
  • Specific procedures such as hospice care services are major revenue drivers.
  • Peak patient visits occur After midnight till morning , with Monday and Wednesday being particularly busy.


The dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of patient encounters, procedures, financial claims, and organizational performance at Massachusetts General Hospital. Key insights include the high reliance on ambulatory services, significant revenue generation from prenatal and follow-up visits, and the positive correlation between payer coverage and total claims. This analysis can help the hospital in strategic planning and improving patient care services.

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