Tools used in this project
World Economic Indicators

About this project

A brief overview of the findings of this project:

  1. GDP vs. unemployment: 📉- An inverse relationship exists where higher GDP typically leads to lower unemployment rates.- Economic downturns, such as the early 1980s and late 2000s, show clear spikes in unemployment.

  2. Life Expectancy by Region 🌐- Life expectancy has increased across all regions since 1960.- Europe & Central Asia lead in longevity, while Sub-Saharan Africa, despite improvements, still lags.

  3. Population Density by Region 🏙️- East Asia & Pacific show the highest increase in population density, reflecting rapid urbanization.- Europe & Central Asia maintain more stable population densities.

  4. Life Expectancy by Income Group 💰- High-income OECD countries enjoy the highest life expectancy.- There’s a clear correlation between income levels and life expectancy, with lower-income groups having shorter life spans.

  5. Infant Mortality by Region 👶- Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest infant mortality rate, highlighting significant healthcare challenges.- Europe & Central Asia have the lowest rates, indicating better healthcare systems.

  6. GDP vs. HDI Rank 📈Generally, higher GDP correlates with better Human Development Index (HDI) rankings. However, some high-GDP countries, particularly in the Middle East, show moderate HDI, suggesting economic wealth doesn’t always equate to human development.This analysis underscores the complexity of global development and the need for targeted policies to address disparities. 🌏📊

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