2023 Cyclistic bike-share analysis

Tools used in this project
2023 Cyclistic bike-share analysis

Power BI dashboard

About this project

Project Overview:

This project aims to provide the marketing team at Cyclistic with a comprehensive analysis of how annual members and casual riders use their bike-share services differently. By understanding these usage patterns, we will develop strategies to convert casual riders into annual members and utilize digital media to encourage this conversion.

Key Observations:

  • Ride Duration:

Casual Riders: Ride an average of 3 minutes longer than annual members.

  • Weekly Usage Patterns:

Peak Days: Bikes are most used on Thursdays and least used on Sundays.

Member Usage: Highest on weekdays.

Casual Rider Usage: Highest on weekends.

  • Daily Usage Patterns:

Members: Peak riding times are between 7-8 AM and 4-6 PM.

Casual Riders: Peak riding time is between 4-6 PM.

  • Seasonal Usage Patterns:

Summer (June, July, August): Both members and casual riders have the highest usage.

Winter (December, January, February): Lowest usage for both groups.

  • Station Popularity:

Member Start/End Stations: Located near universities, restaurants, markets, and residences.

Casual Rider Start/End Stations: Located near recreational areas such as theaters, gardens, aquariums, and parks.

Most Popular Station: Streeter Dr & Grand Ave station near Jane Addams Memorial Park, predominantly used by casual riders.

  • Bike Types:

Classic Bikes: Used by both members and casual riders.

Docked Bikes: Only used by casual riders.

Recommendations for Converting Casual Riders to Members:

  • Discounted Trial Memberships: Offer a discounted one-month trial membership to casual riders, allowing them to experience the benefits of being a member without a long-term commitment.
  • Seasonal Promotions: Provide special promotions during peak seasons (e.g., summer) to encourage casual riders to try membership.
  • Partner Discounts: Collaborate with local businesses, restaurants, and recreational venues to offer discounts or perks to members. This makes the membership more attractive by adding value beyond just bike rides.
  • Combined Memberships: Create bundled offers that combine bike-share memberships with other services or products that casual riders might be interested in, such as gym memberships or public transport passes.
  • Personalized Offers: Use data analytics to send personalized offers to casual riders based on their riding patterns. For example, frequent weekend riders could receive weekend-specific membership discounts.
  • Competitive Membership Pricing: Set the annual membership fee at a price point that makes it more economical for riders who frequently take long rides or multiple rides per month. For example, if a casual rider's long ride costs add up to $150 over a few months, set the annual membership around $120-$140.

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