Free Hospital Beds Dashboard

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Free Hospital Beds  Dashboard

Free Hospital Beds Dashboard

About this project

Project Summary: Analysis of Free Hospital Bed Availability in Delhi

This Power BI project focuses on analyzing the availability of free hospital beds in Delhi using data sourced from the Delhi State Health Mission's online monitoring report. The key objectives of the project are to provide a comprehensive overview of hospital bed availability, categorized by different types of beds, and to facilitate better decision-making for healthcare providers and patients.

Key Components:

  1. Hospital Bed Types:
    • Ventilator Beds: Total available and currently vacant.
    • Non-Ventilator Beds: Total available and currently vacant.
    • Non-Ventilator Critical Beds: Total available and currently vacant.
    • Ventilator Critical Beds: Total available and currently vacant.
  2. Hospital Information:
    • Names of hospitals.
    • Contact information of doctors.

Data Insights:

  • Real-time data on the availability of different types of beds across hospitals in Delhi.
  • Visualization of current bed occupancy rates to identify trends and patterns.
  • Detailed hospital profiles including contact details for efficient communication.


  • Enhances transparency and accessibility of hospital bed availability information.
  • Supports healthcare providers in resource management and allocation.
  • Assists patients in finding hospitals with available beds in critical times.

This project aims to improve operational efficiency within hospitals and enhance patient experience by providing clear, actionable insights into hospital bed availability.

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